
Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy. Graduates of SRU’s Agriculture program will have technical knowledge in crop raising, effective use of fertilizers, integrated pest management, seed conditioning and smart technology. The graduates are also exposed to livestock management. The course balances theoretical aspects with practical issues such as agroeconomics, smart food processing technologies, and crop management.

School of Agriculture is part of a sprawling 150 acre green campus equipped with various farm mechanization components like Post harvest equipment, Plant protection equipment, Mini tractors, Inter-cultivation equipment, Power tillers, Trans-planters and various tractor drawn implements.

The focus areas within Agriculture @SRU include smart agriculture, horticulture, and agribusinesses.

Dr. G. Bhupal Raj, Dean, School of Agriculture, has more than three decades of leadership experience in teaching, research and extension. He is retired as Director in Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad. Before joining as Dean, School of Agriculture, SR University, he worked as Director of PG Studies, M.S Swaminathan School of Agriculture - Centurion University, Odisha and Dean of KBR college of Agriculture, Andhra Pradesh. He has published 100+ research articles in reputed journals. He obtained five awards including two gold medals for significant contributions and guided four Ph.D. and ten M.Sc. (Ag) Scholars. He had international exposure, visiting US, UK, Thailand and China.

Dr. O. N. Tiwari, Principal Scientist at Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR), New Delhi is the advisor to the School of Agriculture @SRU

Students of the program will have an opportunity to work as innovative Scholars in Collaborative for Social Innovations (CSI) to develop new solutions for sustainable agricultural production. A student can also explore other interdisciplinary research centers @ SRU


To lead in advancing sustainable smart agriculture through cutting-edge research, education, and community collaboration to address the challenges of future farming.


To deliver top-notch education in agriculture, helping students grow as leaders and succeed in their careers.

To support farmers with advanced, sustainable technologies that enhance productivity.

To promote eco-friendly innovations, ensuring water and food security, raising farmers' incomes, and advancing the agro-industry.


PEO 1: Graduates will excel as leaders and innovators in agriculture and related industries, using their technical expertise to solve complex problems and make farming more profitable.

PEO 2: Graduates will create sustainable solutions that address global challenges, demonstrating professionalism, technical competency, ethical responsibility, and commitment to solving societal tasks

PEO 3: Graduates will continuously develop problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and adaptability through hands-on experiential learning, research, and a commitment to lifelong learning in multidisciplinary fields.

Students graduating with B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture degree should be able to:

PO 1: Agricultural Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of basic science, and core agricultural sciences to the solution of complex agriculture problems.

PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, analyze, and develop evidence-based solutions to complex agricultural problems to reach substantiated conclusions using scientific methods, critical thinking and technology.

PO 3: Design/Development of solution: Design and develop innovative, sustainable solutions for agricultural challenges viz., resource management, crop management and agri-product management, and design processes to ensure the food and nutritional security.

PO 4: Investigate complex problems: Use inter-disciplinary and research-based knowledge, practical skills and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions for agriculture-based problems

PO 5: Modern tool usage: Apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern agriculture and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex agriculture problems to enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in farming practices with an understanding of the limitations.

PO 6: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of professional agriculture practices in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for agricultural sustainability.

PO 7: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of the agriculture practices, and fulfil the legal obligations under the international agreements for safe global trade in agricultural commodities

PO 8: Leadership: Function effectively as a member or leader in multidisciplinary settings and develop a strong linkage in the agri-industrial or agri-entrepreneurial setup

PO 9: Communication:
Communicate effectively on complex agriculture activities with the agriculture community and with farming society at large for effective dissemination knowledge and technology

PO 10: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the agriculture and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member or leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO 11: Entrepreneurial skill: Exhibit effective entrepreneurial skills in the field of agriculture to analyse the market potential and grab the opportunity.

PO 12: Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change in field of agriculture


PSO1: Sustainable Crop Productivity and Resource Efficiency: Develop and implement innovative agronomic practices that enhance crop yields, improve nutritional quality, and maximize resource use efficiency. This includes advancing soil health, nutrient management, and water conservation strategies, while promoting climate-resilient and sustainable farming systems through precision agriculture and digital technologies.
PSO2: Agronomic Research, Capacity Building, and Technology Transfer: Foster cutting-edge research to address agricultural challenges such as food security, climate change, and resource depletion. Strengthen capacity-building programs and collaboration with industry and global institutions to ensure the effective transfer of agronomic innovations and empower farmers with sustainable, profitable practices.


PSO1: Graduates will understand genetic variation and inheritance patterns, apply breeding techniques to develop improved crop varieties, and implement effective seed production and quality control methods. Additionally, they will be skilled in protecting and managing intellectual property related to plant innovations, ensuring compliance with IPR regulations. This comprehensive knowledge will enable them to contribute effectively to agricultural research, development, and commercialization, fostering advancements in crop improvement and sustainable agricultural practices.
PSO2: Graduates will exhibit proficiency in both modern and traditional breeding methods for enhancing Kharif and Rabi crops, focusing on yield improvement, disease resistance, and abiotic stress tolerance. They will gain a thorough understanding of the physiological and genetic mechanisms affecting crop growth, development, and adaptation. Equipped to tackle challenges in genetic improvement, graduates will address issues such as pest and disease resistance, climate adaptability, and quality traits, optimizing breeding strategies to meet agricultural needs.


PSO1: Graduates will acquire a thorough understanding of insect morphology and ecology, enabling them to proficiently identify both insect pests and beneficial species. They will gain insights into the life cycles and ecological roles of these insects, equipping them with the skills to apply integrated pest management (IPM) strategies effectively. This knowledge will allow them to manage insect-related issues in agriculture with a focus on minimizing crop losses and reducing reliance on chemical pesticides.
PSO2: Aspirants will develop a broad and in-depth comprehension of various aspects of entomology, including insect morphology, ecology, crop pests, apiculture, nematology, sericulture, biological control, toxicology, and economic entomology. They will be prepared to engage in interdisciplinary research and utilize advanced technologies to enhance agricultural productivity, improve farmer incomes, promote human health, and mitigate environmental pollution. Their expertise will address future challenges in crop production and storage, fostering sustainable agricultural practices.


PSO1: Provide in depth knowledge about physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils, as well as the processes that govern soil formation, classification, and fertility, principles and practices of sustainable soil management, use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing technologies for soil mapping, land use planning, and environmental monitoring, role of essential nutrients in crop production, with an emphasis on soil testing, fertilizer use, and nutrient cycling.
PSO2: Develop the ability to identify and manage problem soils and irrigation water, applying reclamation techniques, and assessing water quality. Gain expertise in sustainable resource management, environmental policy, and disaster risk reduction. Understand plant biochemical processes, metabolic pathways, and utilize advanced biochemical techniques in research.


PSO1: Identification and Diagnosis: Graduates will develop the skills to identify and diagnose plant diseases accurately through visual symptoms, microscopic examination and laboratory techniques such as culturing and molecular diagnostics.
PSO2: Disease Management Strategies: Graduates will be equipped with knowledge and skills to develop, recommend, and implement effective plant disease management strategies, including integrated pest management (IPM), biological control, chemical control and cultural practices.


PSO1: To understand the history and contribution of scientists in the field of microbiology, basics of microbes and its mechanism to the environment and importance of microbes as insecticides, biofertilizers in agriculture.
PSO2: To understand the biodegradation, bioremediation, production of useful products and maintenance of soil health by biogeochemical cycling and to make nutrients available to plants.


PSO1: Graduates will possess a comprehensive understanding of the diverse aspects of horticulture and food science, including plant selection, growth, production, and the scientific principles behind food composition and nutrients. They will apply this knowledge to optimize crop production, food processing, and preservation, ensuring sustainability and food safety. With skills to analyze complex agricultural problems, they will innovate to meet the challenges of future agriculture, promoting organic and sustainable practices and communicating effectively with both specialists and non-specialists.
PSO2: Graduates will leverage horticultural and food science principles to solve practical problems related to plant management, nutrition, and health. They will assess and analyze nutritional needs, manage the economic significance of plants in food systems, and apply advanced technologies to enhance both agricultural production and food quality. Equipped with business acumen and ethical decision-making skills, they will drive innovation in food science, focusing on emerging trends such as genetically modified foods, nutraceuticals, functional foods, and sustainable solutions to global challenges like malnutrition.


PSO1: Through this students will able gain knowledge on sociological and psychological aspects of rural areas and people and also get acquainted with some important features of rural society . As well as to improve the knowledge level of the students on concepts, Principles of Extension Education, various extension teaching methods and information sources. and acquaint the students with Agricultural, Innovation Decision Process and capacity building of various stake holders
PSO2: Through this student will able to improve the knowledge level of the students on various communication skills & personality development. As well as they will become acquaint with the concepts of journalism and how to write the agricultural news for print and electronic media for effective transfer of technology and students can also impart knowledge on entrepreneurship and its importance in socio economic development of the nation.


PSO1: Developing individuals with a deep insight in Economical aspect of Agriculture. To give in-depth knowledge to the students about economic theory regarding utilization and allocation of resources including labour, natural resources and capital and to upgrade students understanding about the function of agricultural markets for goods and services and income generation, its distribution and investment.
PSO2: Making students capable of finding loopholes in economic system of agriculture and suggesting suitable solutions. Developing skilled individuals capable of generating employment opportunities and to impart in-depth knowledge into special fields of choice like agricultural economics, basic econometrics, growth and development, agricultural marketing, production economics, environmental economics, agricultural financial institutions and markets.


PSO1: Develop technical skills in Irrigation Pumps, Soil and Water Conservation. Students gain knowledge on protected cultivation techniques and post harvest technologies.
PSO2: Students will learn farm mechanization and various farm power sources that available on farm. Learn about technical details on various renewable energy technologies that can be utilized on on-farm and off-farm.


PSO1: Husbandry Practices: Students will acquire practical skills in animal husbandry, including housing, handling, and welfare practices for various livestock species.
PSO2: Breeding and Genetics: Students will understand principles of animal breeding and genetics to improve livestock productivity and health through selective breeding programs.


PSO1: The Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, and Biotechnology program equips students with knowledge of plant metabolism, growth regulation, molecular biology, and biochemical processes. Emphasizing experimental skills and data analysis, graduates apply their expertise in enhancing crop productivity, sustainability, and stress tolerance, preparing them for careers in agriculture and biotechnology research.
PSO2: Students gain knowledge on plant growth metabolism, water and nutrient transport, stress responses and hormonal physiology. Emphasizing plant biochemistry and molecular intricacies students gain a deep understanding of biomolecules and metabolic pathways under growth as well as stress scenarios. Graduates apply this expertise in research, agriculture, medicine, and environmental sectors, focusing on bioproduct innovation, sustainable practices, and improving health and crop productivity.

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Research Areas
Type of Crops