Micronutrients in Soils and Plants and enrichment in food grain, Soil fertility, Soil Pollution, Lea
Irrigation Scheduling and Nutrient Management for Aerobic Rice
Agri - startups Ecosystem
Design and Development of Self-Propelled Battery-Operated Leafy Vegetable Harvester
Agronomy (Foliar application of micro nutrients on millets (Finger Millet)Major field crops
Agricultural Growth and Development
Horticulture, Vegetable Science, Vegetable Breeding, Seed Technology.
Residue Management and GHG emissions
Organic farming and Sustainable Agriculture
ICT(Information & Communication Technology) Impact of Covid-19 on Farming Community. IPM practices i
Biodegradation and Bioremediation, Microbial Production of Enzymes & Bioenergy, Plant Microbe Intera
Variability and Integrated management of stem and root rot of cowpea (Vigna Ungiculata L.) caused by
Weed and Nutrient Management, Nanoencapsulation and Biosafety studies
Land use dynamics, Cost analysis
Response of Crop Nutrient solution for yield, nutrient uptake & quality of pre-seasonal Sugarcane gr
Macro and micronutrients in oil seed production
Genetics, Plant Breeding, Genomics, Seed Technology, Molecular Breeding
Drought and salinity stress on plants
Insect physiology and biocontrol of insect pests
Precision agriculture, soil quality assessment
Agronomic biofortification
Management of Pink boll worm
Molecular breeding in rice
Assistant professor & Associate Dean
- Department of Biochemistry and Department of Food Science & Technology, School o
Food Chemsitry, Nutrition, Modelling, Process Optimization
Assistant Professor
- Department of Agricultural Extension, School of Agriculture
Social Intelligence among Rural Youth