Materials Science
Comparative Literature
Associate Professor & Head Department of Physics, School of Sciences and Humanities
- Physics
Ferroelectricity, Ferromagnetism, Multiferroics, Magnetoelectric Materials
Non-linear Optical Materials, Liquid Crystals, Nanomaterials, Materials for Energy Storage and Conve
Associate -Professor and -Dean of PhD programs
- School of Sciences and Humanities
• Monitor pollution link with public health microbiology • Chemical, microbial, phyto or phyco-r
Condensed Matter Physics, Material Science, Inorganic and Perovskite Solar Cell Device, Simulation o
Enzyme Engineering of the DXP pathway, Metabolic Engineering
Nanomedicine, Angiogenesis, Drug Delivery, Bioimaging, Vascular Diseases, Ischemic Diseases, Cancer
Associate Professor, Dean, Online learning for the university.
- Department of Physics, School of Sciences and Humanities
Material Science (Nanomaterials, metals, semiconductors and alloys)
Associate Professor of Physics & Associate Dean (Student Welfare)
- Department of Physics
Vibrational Spectroscopy, Density Functional Theory, Materials science
Electrochemical sensors/bio-sensors and Electro-catalyst
Biomaterials (Ceramics) for tissue engineering applications
Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Polymer Sciences
Powder metallurgy, electrochemical sensors, corrosion, materials science, shape memory alloys, high
Materials Science
Environmental Humanities and Transnational Studies
Structure property correlation of piezoelectrics and multiferroics,Strain engineering and domain stu
Material Sciences
Assistant Professor & Associate Dean (Student Welfare).
- School of Sciences and Humanities
Language Anxiety and Second/Foreign Language learning
Experimental and Theoretical Spectroscopic Investigations of Some Novel Bioactive Molecules
Computational Drug Discovery, Molecular Dynamics, Machine Learning, Genomic data analysis (Microarra
English Language Teaching
Film Studies, Star Studies, Screenwriting, Language & literature, Verbality
Computational Neuroscience, Visual Psychophysics, Neural Networks, Cognitive Neuroscience
English Language Teaching
Cultural Studies
Indian English Literature - Retellings of Indian Mythology and Epics
comparative analysis of motor fitness and body composition among Basket ball, Foot ball & Volley bal