Electronics &
Communication Engineering
Nanomaterials, Device simulations, Biodegradable packaging materials
Information security, Fog computing, Blockchain, Low power VLSI design
Assistant Professor, ECE and Associate Dean, Innovation and Startup
- Electronics and communication Engineering
IoT, Soft Computing and Instrumentation
Professor (ECE), Associate Dean (FA) & In-Charge, Center for Experiential Learning
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
Internet of Things, Tiny ML, Deep Learning, Meta Learning
Compound semiconductor Devices modelling and simulation, AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor
Deep learning with data augmentation, Hybrid deep learning, Image Denoising, Segmentation and Classi
Circular gate MOSFETs, Novel Semiconductor Devices Modeling and Simulation, Multi gate MOSFETs, Non-
Biomedical Image Processing
Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Computational Intelligence
Interdisciplinary research including tunable light-matter interactions, Active nanophotonics, Liquid
III-Nitride & Ultra wide bandgap semiconductors
Ultra-wideband Antenna, Microwave Bandpass Filter Circuits, Compact Filtennas, Reconfigurable Microw
Embedded Systems
Brain Computer Interfacing / Biomedical signal processing
Analog IC Design, On-Chip interconnect modeling, On-Chip Inductors
Professor & Head of the Department
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
VLSI design, interconnect modeling using next-generation nanomaterials, 3D IC and Memory Devices,
Internet of Things, Waste Management, Blockchain, LoRa
Cognitive Radio Networks, Signal processing, Deep Learning
Wireless optics communication in underwater and frees pace for different advanced communication tech
Wireless Communications, Satellite Communications, GNSS SYSTEMS
Wireless communication and signal processing
Medical Imaging