
Dr. Navyashree R


Assistant Professor

Department of Crop Physiology

University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad

9 months


Abiotic stress in plants

Drought and salinity stress on plants

(From Highest)


Ph.D in Crop Physiology


M.Sc Agriculture in Crop Physiology


B.Sc Agriculture



Assistant Professor at SR University, Warangal, Telangana, from 2024-12-26 to Till Date.


Assistant Professor at College of Agriculture Technology, Theni. Tamilnadu, from 2024-06-20 to 2024-12-21.




Key Publications

Popular article Agrivoltaics: Integrating Solar Energy with Crop Production, Dr. Smriti Hansda, Dr. Navyashree R, Dr. Anil Kumar Agriculture and Food: E- Newsletter, Article ID: 60749, E-ISSN: 2581-8317

Popular article Mechanisms of Drought Tolerance in Crops, Navyashree R, Panchal Sangmesh, Ediga Amala, Krishnaveni Anbalagan and Ayushi Trivedi ISSN: 3048-8656, Agri Magazine (International E-Magazine for Agricultural Articles), Volume: 01, Issue: 05 (Dec, 2024)

Popular article Role of Plant Hormones in Crop Growth and Development, Navyashree R, S. Vijaya, Zuby Gohari Ansari, Nity Sharma and Saket Dubey ISSN: 3048-8656, Agri Magazine (International E-Magazine for Agricultural Articles), Volume: 01, Issue: 05 (Dec, 2024)

Popular article Enhancing Crop Yields through Stress - Resilient Varieties, Navyashree R, Vivek Bhanwala, Panchal Sangmesh, Priyanka Dubey and Nirjharnee Nandeha ISSN: 2582-9882, Agri articles (e-Magazine for Agricultural Articles), Volume: 04, Issue: 06 (Nov-Dec, 2024)

Popular article Physiological Responses of Crops to Climate Change, Navyashree R, Panchal Sangmesh, Ediga Amala, Priyanka Dubey and Saket Dubey ISSN: 2582-9882, Agri articles (e-Magazine for Agricultural Articles), Volume: 04, Issue: 06 (Nov-Dec, 2024)

Popular article Climate-Smart Agronomy: Adapting Crop Management to a Changing Climate, Dr. Navyashree R, Suchismita Dwibedi and Dr. Gautam Veer Chauhan ISSN: 2582-9882, Agri articles (e-Magazine for Agricultural Articles), Volume: 04, Issue: 06 (Nov-Dec, 2024)

Popular article Advances in Understanding Photosynthesis Efficiency Navyashree R., Zuby Gohar Ansari, S. Vijaya, Shalini Mishra and Nirjharnee Nandeha E- ISSN: 2583-1755, Volume 4, Issue 4, December, 2024

Transcription factors as tools to engineer enhanced drought stress tolerance chapter published in the book “Recent advances in Molecular Biology and Plant Physiology” ISBN No. 978-93-6135-587-5 Author: Navyashree R

Physiological and biochemical effects of drought stress on plant growth and development chapter published in the book “Agriculture 1.0” ISBN No. 978-9393483-478 Author: Dr. Navyashree R

Plant photosynthesis chapter published in the book “An Introduction to Plant Biology” ISBN No. 978-93-6135-896-8 Author: Navyashree R

Water Relations and Uptake in Crops chapter published in the book “Crop Physiology: A Collaborative Insights Volume 1” ISBN No. 978-81-969203-7-1 Author: Navyashree R

Climate change: Impacts and mitigation strategies chapter published in the book “Natural Resource Management and Environmental Security, Volume -5” ISBN No. 978-93-5834-190-4 Author: Navyashree R

Calcium: A Signalling Molecule for Salt Tolerance in Plants chapter published in the book “ Research and Review in Agriculture Sciences” ISBN : 978-93-92804-80-9 Author: Navyashree R

Water relations in crop plants - balancing transpiration and water uptake chapter published in the book “Plant physiology – unraveling the science of plant life" ISBN : 978-93-58990-36-2 Author: Navyashree R

Antioxidants in Plants chapter published in the book “Advanced Botany , Volume – 5” ISBN No. 978-81-968391-7-8 Author: Navyashree R

Effect of salinity stress on morphological, phenological and yield parameters in chickpea (Research article) R. NAVYASHREE V. H. ASHVATHAMA AND M. D. PATIL https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/JFS/issue/view/3220/561

EXPLORING THE VARIATION IN PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS AMONG DIFFERENT FIELD PEA GENOTYPES (Research article) Sachin Tawarkhed, Ashvathama VH, Navyashree R, MD Patil and Mummigatti UV https://doi.org/10.51470/PLANTARCHIVES.2024.v24.no.2.334

Genotypic Variation in Plant Height, Branching, and Yield Components of Field Pea: Implications for Crop Improvement (Research article) Sachin Tawarkhed, Ashvathama VH, Navyashree R, MD Patil and Mummigatti UV https://doi.org/10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i91344

Genotypic Variation in Plant Height, Branching, and Yield Components of Field Pea: Implications for Crop Improvement (Research article) Sachin Tawarkhed, Ashvathama VH, Navyashree R, MD Patil and Mummigatti UV https://doi.org/10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8i.1831

EVALUATING SORGHUM GENOTYPES FOR TOLERANCE TO OSMOTIC STRESS DURING GERMINATION AND EARLY SEEDLING DEVELOPMENT (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.51470/PLANTARCHIVES.2024.v24.no.2.125

EFFECTS OF WATER STRESS ON FLOWERING PHENOLOGY AND YIELD-ATTRIBUTING CHARACTERISTICS OF SORGHUM GENOTYPES (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.51470/PLANTARCHIVES.2024.v24.no.2.352

Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Sorghum Genotypes via Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.56557/pcbmb/2024/v25i11-128833

Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Sorghum Genotypes for Drought Tolerance Using Mahalanobis’ D2 Analysis (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i91277

Evaluation of salinity tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum): Physiological, biochemical, and yield correlations under variable salinity conditions (Research article) Navyashree R, Ashvathama VH, MD Patil and Mummigatti UV https://doi.org/10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8c.1734

Effect of drought stress on physiological parameters in sorghum: Adaptive changes and correlations with yield under water stress conditions (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8b.1711

Assessment of Drought Tolerance in Rabi Sorghum Genotypes under Polyethylene Glycol-induced Osmotic Stress (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.9734/jeai/2024/v46i82738

Correlation and principal component analysis of morphophysiological and biochemical traits in sorghum under drought stress (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i8a.1173

Effect of Drought Stress on Morpho Phenological and Yield Parameters in Sorghum Genotypes (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.9734/jgeesi/2024/v28i6775

Evaluating the Effects of Drought Stress on Biomass and Yield Traits in Sorghum Genotypes (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2024/v14i54172

Effect of salinity stress on Morphophysiological traits in chickpea genotypes (Research article) Navyashree R, Ashvathama VH, MD Patil, Mummigatti UV and Kiran BO https://doi.org/10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i1d.225

Screening sorghum genotypes for osmotic stress tolerance during seed germination and seedling growth (Research article) Navyashree R, Mummigatti UV, Nethra P, Basavaraj B and Hanamaratti NG https://www.thepharmajournal.com/archives/?year=2023&vol=12&issue=7&ArticleId=21335

Correlation Studies on Effect of Salinity Stress on Phenology, Biochemical, and Seed Yield in Chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) Genotypes (Research article) R. Navyashree and V.H. Ashvathama https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7614153

Effect of salinity stress on seed germination and seedling vigour index in chickpea genotypes (Research article) Navyashree R, Ashvathama VH, Kiran BO, Rashmi K and Spoorthy VC https://www.thepharmajournal.com/archives/?year=2023&vol=12&issue=2&ArticleId=18739

Biochemical Response on Three Growth Phases of Chickpea under Graduated Salt Stress (Research article) R. Navyashree and V.H. Ashvathama https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2022/v12i121627

Awards and Honors / Achievements


Young Achiever award


Outstanding Achievement Award for contributions in the field of crop physiology


women excellence award, 2024


Best research scholar award, 2023


Best Thesis award for Ph.D research work on Drougt tolerance studies in rabi sorghum genotypes


Young Professional award


Young Crop Physiologist award


Best M.Sc Thesis award


Best Poster presentation Award on Effect of drought stress on rabi sorghum genotypes


Young Women Scientist award for outstanding contribution in the field of Crop Physiology


Award of Gold Medal for having highest overall grade among the doctor of philosophy in crop physiology from University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad


Agronomy for the Future: Sustainable Techniques and Climate Resilience

Dr. Navyashree R


Comprehensive insights into Environmental science

Dr. Navyashree. R

Stella International Publication

Plant Physiology Exploring Foundations of Plant Life

Dr. Navyashree R

Stella International Publication

Insights into Crop Physiology: Advances and Applications

Dr. Navyashree R

Stella International Publication