
Dr. G. Venkatasubba Reddy


Assistant Professor

Agricultural Microbiology, School of Agriculture

Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu, A.P. India


Teaching, Research, Explore the National Heritage and Culture

Biodegradation and Bioremediation, Microbial Production of Enzymes & Bioenergy, Plant Microbe Interactions

(From Highest)


Ph.D. in Environmental Microbiology from Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu, A.P. India.


M.Sc. in Microbiology from Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu, A.P. India.


B.Sc. in Biochemistry, Chemistry and Botany from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, A.P. India.



Microbial Formulation Associate at Jivaa Life Sciences, Hyderabad, from 2023-04-01 to 2024-07-31.


Post doctoral Research Fellow at National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, South Korea, from 2019-12-18 to 2023-02-28.


Lecturer at Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva PU College, Chikkaballapur, Karnataka, from 2018-05-07 to 2019-11-30.


Post doctoral Research Fellow at University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa, from 2016-02-01 to 2018-04-30.


Post doctoral Research Fellow at University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, from 2013-06-05 to 2016-01-31.


CSIR Senior Research Fellow at Microbiology, SK University, Anantapur, from 2012-04-01 to 2013-05-14.


Project Fellow at Microbiology, SK University, Anantapur, from 2008-05-01 to 2011-03-31.


Senior Research Fellow at Agricultural Research Station, Anantapur, from 2007-04-12 to 2008-04-15.


Lecturer at CVLNR Degree and PG College, Anantapur, from 2006-07-01 to 2007-03-31.




Key Publications

1. Jun Li , Yu Xie , Jimei Sun , Fan Bai , Shaik Althaf Hussain, Venkata Subba Reddy Gangireddygari , Xiaolan Jiang. 2023. Renal protective effect of ellipticine against streptozotocin induced diabetic nephropathy in rats via suppression of oxidative stress and inflammatory mediator. Acta Cirurgica Brasileira. 38:e385623. (IF-1.02)

2. Wenwen Jing, Shaik Althaf Hussain, Venkata Subba Reddy Gangireddygari, Jun Chen, Alina Irwana Muhamad A’srai and Mohd Hasmizam Razalie. 2023. Biocompatibility and antibacterial activity studies of gellan gum and alginate thin film encapsulating curcumin as a wound skin care dressing. Materials Technology. 38(1):2282321. (2.89)

3. Hao Huang, Jian Wang, Shaik Althaf Hussain, V.S.R. Gangireddygari, and Yingying Fan. 2023. Gossypin exert lipopolysaccharide induced lung inflammation via alteration of Nrf2/HO-1 and NF-kB signaling pathway. Environment Toxicology. IF (4.4 )

4. V.S.R. Gangireddygari, Cho, I-S, Choi. S, J-Y. Yoon, 2023. Inhibitory Activity of Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus licheniformis Supernatants on PMMoV in Chili Pepper. Journal of People, Plants, and Environment. 26(1):35-46. (IF-0.3)

5. L. Qin, S.A. Hussain, N. Maddu, C.P. Manjuvani, V.S.R. Gangireddygari, Y. Fan. 2023. Lipid composition and oxidative changes in diabetes and alcoholic diabetes rats. Journal of King Saud University – Science. 35(2):102453. (IF-3.7)

6. F.S.N. AI-Owamri, L.S.A.AI-Sibay, H.R. Salla, A.H. Shaik, V.S.R. Gangireddygari, 2023. Phytochemical, antioxidant, hair growth and wound healing property of Juniperus excelsa, Olea oleaster and Olea europaea. Journal of King Saud University – Science. 35(2):102446. (IF-3.7)

7. V.S. Settaluri, H. Al. Hashmi, S.N.H. Azmi, S.A. Hussain, H.R. Salla, V.S.R. Gangireddygari, 2023. Comparative studies on phenolic, anti-oxidative, biochemical and GC-MS analysis of crude and refined edible oils. Journal of King Saud University – Science. 35(1):102432. (IF-3.7)

8. V.S.R. Gangireddygari, Cho, I-S, Choi. S, J-Y. Yoon, 2022. Inhibitory effects of PMMoV infection by supernatants of five bacterial cultures in Capsicum annuum L. The Journal of Plant Pathology. 38(6): 646-655. (IF-1.8)

9. Hemadri Reddy, AL-Rashdi, F. K. H. S. AL-Sulti, M. Sh. AL-Madhoshi, A. H. Shaik, V. S. R. Gangireddygari. 2022. Studies on Oman elite date palm varieties and preliminary establishment of identity through SSR marker. Journal of King Saud University – Science. 34(8): 102348. (IF-3.7)

10. J.E. Pepito, J.V. Prabhakaran, D.K.P. Bheeman, P. Sah, A.P. Villarias, S.A. Hussain, V.S.R. Gangireddygari, A.S. Al Adawi. 2022. Development of saline loaded mask materials, evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy and survivability of selected bacteria on these mask materials. Journal of King Saud University - Science, 34(5):102125 (IF-3.7)

11. V.S.R. Gangireddygari, Cho, B-N, Cho, I-S, J-Y. Yoon, 2021. Inhibitory effect of chitosan and phosphate cross linked chitosan against CMV and PMMoV. The Journal of Plant Pathology. 37(6):632-640. (IF-1.8)

12. J-Y. Yoon*, V.S.R. Gangireddygari*, Cho, I-S, Cho, B-N, Chung, B-D, Yoon, S-K, Choi. 2021. Effects of ?-glucan from Aureobasidium pullulans on cucumber mosaic virus in chili pepper. Research in Plant disease. 27 (1): 17-23. (*equal contribution)

13. J-Y Yoon, J-B. Yoon, M-H, Seo, S-K, Cho, I-S, Cho, B-N, Chung, C.Y. Yang, V.S.R. Gangireddygari. 2020. Application of multiplex RT-PCR for simultaneous identification of TSWV and thrips species in an individual thrips on chrysanthemums. Research in Plant disease. 26(4):264-271.

14. V.S.R. Gangireddygari*, R.R. Bontha, J-Y Yoon. 2020. Interaction of 2- hydroxyquinoxaline (2-HQ) on soil enzymes and its degradation: A review. Journal of People, Plants, and Environment. 23(4): 399-410. (IF-0.3)

15. Monica G., Darwin R., Pedro R., Maria M., Manjunatha B., Subba Reddy G. V. and Sikandar I. M., 2018. Evaluation of the interaction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum in the development and nutrition of potato plants (Solanum Phureja) Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum. Asian Journal Agri. Biol., Plant Pathology. 6(3):403-416. (IF-0.5)

16. Kalu, C.M., Kanu, S.A., Gangireddygari, V.S.R.,Ntushelo, K. 2018. Effect of Solanum mauritianum leaf extract on the growth and morphology of Pectobacteriumcarotovorum subsp. carotovorum, Pectobacteriumcarotovorum subsp. brasiliense and B. subtilis. Conference paper 2018 115(289) doi: 10.1016/j.sajb.2018.02.051

17. Arnaud T Djami-Tchatchou, Goszczynska, T. Subba Reddy, G. V. and Khayalethu Ntushelo. 2017. Gene expression response of Arabidopsis thaliana to inoculation with Pectobacteriumcarotovorum subsp. Carotovorum. Journal of Plant Pathology. 99(3):599-607. (IF-2.2)

18. M. Mbovane, Subba Reddy, G.V., H. Nyoni, K.Ntushelo. 2017. Acetaldehyde suppresses growth, changes conidia morphology, and reduces the production of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate in a dose dependent manner in Alternaria alternata. Acta Biologica Hungarica. 68(4):490-492. (IF-2.1)

19. Subba Reddy, G.V.*, Dileep Kumar, K., Ramanjaneyulu, G., Manjunatha, B., Babu, G.V.A.K., Ntushelo, K., Reddy, B.R. 2017. Biodegradation of an organophosphorus insecticide – quinalphos. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 20(8):410-422. (IF- 0.4)

20. Mathiba, M.T., Gangireddygari, V S R.,Ntushelo, K and Kanu. S.A. 2017. The potential of omics technologies as tools to understand the environmental factors influencing okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) – growth and adaptation. South African Journal of Plant and Soil. 1-8. (If-1.1)

21. Subba Reddy, G.V*., K. Praveen Kumar, K, Khayalethu, N., Manjunatha, A-T, DjamiTchatchou and Reddy, B.R. 2017. Influence of environmental factors on biodegradation of quinalphos by Bacillus thuringiensis. Environmental Sciences Europe. 29:11. (IF-6.0)

22. Darwin, R. O., Alexandra, A., Elena, M., Manjunatha, B., Rueda, B., Subba Reddy, G.V. Nagaraju, M. Rajeswari, B. 2017. Comparative study of native microorganisms isolated from watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) waste and commercial microorganisms (Clostridium thermocellum) used for bioethanol production. African Journal of Biotechnology. 16(9): 380-387.

23. Subba Reddy, G.V*., Rafi, M. Md., Rubesh Kumar, S., Khayalethu, N., Muralidhara Rao, D., Manjunatha, B., Philip, G.H., Reddy, B.R. 2016. Optimization study of 2- hydroxyquinoxaline (2-HQ) biodegradation by Ochrobactrum sp. HQ1. 3 Biotech. 6:51. (1-11). (IF-2.6)

24. Jayaramudu, T., Raghavendra, G.M., Varaprasad, K., Subba Reddy, G.V., Babul Reddy, A., K. Sudhakar, Sadiku, R. E. 2016. Preparation and characterization of poly (ethylene glycol) stabilized nano silver particles by a mechanochemical assisted ball mill process. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 43027(1- 8). (IF-2.7)

25. Manjunatha, B., Tirado, J.O., Salas, P.F., Ortiz, D.R., Jaffer Mohiddin, G., Subba Reddy, G.V. Raju, M.N. and Selvanayagam, M. 2015. Enzyme activities of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) during lethal and sublethal exposure to cypermethirn. Der Pharma Chemica. 7(7): 279-283.

26. Thangaswamy, S., Manjunatha, B., Suarez, J.P., Babu, M., Ponnuswamy, G., Subba Reddy, G.V., and Mariadoss, S. 2015. Phytoremediation of tannery effluent polluted soils of Dindigul, TamilNadu, using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculated Azadirachta indica. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 7(7): 905-914.

27. Manjunatha, B., Subba Reddy, G.V., Juan, O.T., Patricia, F.S. and Darwin, R.O. 2015. Determination of residues of deltramethrin in water and liver tissue of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) by HPLC. Der Pharma Chemica. 7(7): 149-152.

28. Subba Reddy, G.V*., Reddy, B. R. and Tlou, M.G. Biodegradation of 2- hydroxyquinoxaline (2-HQ) by Bacillus sp. 2014. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 278:100-107. (IF-12.2)

29. Manjula B, Varaprasad K, Sadiku R, Ramam K, Subba Reddy G.V., Raju K M. 2014. Development of microbial resistant thermosensitive Ag nanocomposite (gelatine) hydrogels via green process. Journal of Biomedical Material Research Part A. 102: 4 928-934. (IF-4.8)

30. P. Ranga Reddy, K. Varaprasad, N. Narayana Reddy, G. V. Subba Reddy, K. Mohana Raju and N. Subbarami Reddy. 2013. Development of gelatin based inorganic nanocomposite hydrogels for inactivation of bacteria. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. 23: 1054-1060. (IF-3.9)

31. Nan Luo, K. Varaprasad, G. V. Subba Reddy, A. Varadarajulu and Jun Zhang. 2012. Preparation and characterization of cellulose/curcumin composite films. RSC Advances. 2: 8483-8488. (IF-3.9)

32. G. Narasimha, A. Sridevi, G. V. Subba Reddy, M. Tahaseenbanu and B.R. Reddy. 2012. Effects of cotton ginning mill industrial effluents on soil dehydrogenase, phosphatase, amylase and invertase enzyme activities. International Journal of Agricultural and Food Science. 2(1): 1-6.

33. K. Varaprasad, K. Vimala, S. Ravindra, N. Narayana Reddy, G. V. Subba Reddy and K. Mohana Raju. 2011. Fabrication of silver nanocomposite films impregnated with curcumin for superior antibacterial applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 22: 1863-1872. (IF-4.2)

34. N. Narayana Reddy, K. Varaprasad, S. Ravindra, G.V. Subba Reddy, K. M. S. Reddy, K. M. Mohan Reddy, K. Mohana Raju. 2011. Evaluation of blood compatibility and drug release studies of gelatin based magnetic hydrogel nanocomposites. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 385: 20-27. (IF-4.9)

35. N. Mithil Kumar, K. Varaprasad, G. Ramachandra Reddy, G. Siva Mohan Reddy, Y. Sivabharathi, G. V. Subba Reddy and S. Venkata Naidu. 2011. Biodegradable water-soluble copolymer for antimicrobial applications. Journal of Polymers and the Environment. 19: 225-229. (IF-4.7)

36. K. Praveen Kumar, B. Viswanath, K.Y. Usha, H. Pallavi, G.V. Subba Reddy, M. Naveen and B.R. Reddy. 2011. Lignolytic enzymes of a mushroom – Stereumostrea isolated from wood logs. Enzyme Research. 1: 1-6

37. G. Narasimha, A. Sridevi, G. V. Subba Reddy and B.R. Reddy. 2011. Effects of cotton ginning mill effluents on soil enzymatic activities and nitrogen mineralization in soil. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 3(1): 128-137.

38. G. V. Subba Reddy, G.V.A.K. Babu, and B.R. Reddy. 2011. Phosphatase activity in agricultural soils under the influence of insecticide combinations. Journal of Environmental Monitoring & Restoration. 7: 50-55.

Research Projects / Patents

UGC-MRP entitled “Microbiology and genetics of quinalphos bacterial degradation”

Project Fellow

2-hydroxyquinoxaline biodegradation



Chapter entitled - Conversion of lignocelluloses into biofuel. In Microbial Diversity: Exploration & Bioprospecting (Eds: S. Ram Reddy, M.A. Singaracharya and S. Girisham)

Reddy B.R., K. Praveen Kumar and G. V. Subba Reddy.

Scientific Publishers, India.

Chapter entitled - Optimization studies of manganese peroxidase by Stereum ostrea. In Microbial Diversity: Exploration & Bioprospecting (Eds. S. Ram Reddy, M.A. Singaracharya and S. Girisham)

Praveen K., B. Viswanath, H. Pallavi, G. V. Subba Reddy and B. R. Reddy.

Scientific Publishers, India.