Assistant Professor(Assoc Dean School of Engineering)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Cognitive radio and networks, Spectral estimation, Signal processing, Deep Learning
Cognitive Radio Networks, Signal processing, Deep Learning
Published a Paper on “A New PDP Estimation Technique for the MIMO-OFDM System” in International Journal of Computer Science and Technology. April-June, 2014, vol. 5, Issue 2.
Published a Paper on” A New BER and SNR Calculations for MIMO System” in International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) ISSN: 2319–9598, Volume-2 Issue-8, July 2014.
Published a Paper on “Estimation of Channel Capacity in MIMO System Using Different Fading Channels” in International conference on recent advances in communication, VLSI & Embedded systems at SREC Warangal.Dec-2014.
Published a Paper on “A Novel Approach for Power Reduction & Image Enhancement by Using Multi scale Retinex for Emissive Display” in Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics & Telecommunications (ICETET) 29th - 31st May, 2015 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
Published a paper on “Implementation of RFID based train localization” in international journal of innovative technology and research volume no.4, issue no.5, august – September 2016, ISSN:3841–3843.
Published a paper on “Case Study On Channel Estimation Techniques For MIMO-OFDM Systems ” in international journal of Creative Research Thoughts, volume no.6, issue no.2, April 2018 ,ISSN:2320-2882, pp:115-118.
Published a paper on “Implementation of Adaptive Channel Estimation and CIR Support Based on Pilot Arrangement and Adaptive Filtering in MIMO-OFDM System” in international journal of Engineering & Technology, volume no.7, issue no.1.8,November 2018 ,pp: 236-239.
Published a paper on “A Novel IEEE-754 Floating-Point Butterfly Architecture based on Multi Operand Adders” in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), volume no.7, issue no.5S2, January 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878, pp: 55-60.
Published a paper on “Adaptive Compressive Sensing of Images using adaptive block compressive sensing algorithm and improvement ” in international journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering volume no.8, issue no.5, March 2019, ISSN:2278–3075.
Published a paper on “IOT Based Weather Monitoring System” in International Conference on Research Trends in Science, Technology, Engineering & Management (ICRSTEM-2019), 10th -12th May 2019, ISBN:978-81-940546-0-3 ,pp: 71-74.
Published a paper on “Design of Feedback System Based on Modified Reduced Dimensional Subspace Codebook in Massive MIMO Systems” in International Conference on Research Trends in Science, Technology, Engineering & Management (ICRSTEM-2019), 10th -12th May 2019, ISBN:978-81-940546-0-3 ,pp: 131-135.
Published a paper on “Design of Modified Reduced Dimensional Subspace Channel Feedback Codebook for Massive MIMO System” in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), volume no.8, issue no.5, June 2019, ISSN:2249–8958 ,pp: 885-887.
Published a paper on “A Report on Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for IoT Applications ” in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), volume no.8, issue no.6S3, September 2019, ISSN:2249–8958 ,pp: 2004-2009.
Published a paper on “Adaptive Trigonometric Transformation Function with Image Contrast and Color Enhancement: Application to Unmanned Aerial System Imagery” in Test Engineering & Management, volume no.83, June 2020, ISSN: 0193-4120, pp: 11128-11132.
Published a paper on “Multicarrier Waveforms for Advanced wireless communication” in Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical sciences, volume no.15, issue no.07, July 2020, ISSN: 0973-8975, pp: 252-259.
Published a paper on “AN IOT BASED UNDER WEATHER MONITORING SYSTEM” in Journal of Critical Reviews, volume no.07, issue no.17, June 2020, ISSN: 2394-5125, pp: 148-153.
Published a paper on “Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Technology: A Review Paper ” in Journal of Communications (JCM), volume no.15, issue no.7, July 2020, ISSN: 1796-2021, pp: 577-582.
Published a paper on “Extensive evaluation of the MIMO along with sliced multi modulus algorithm and estimate strategies in the direction of MIMO-OFDM solutions” in IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering volume no.981(2020).
"Published a paper on “Design and Analysis of Channel Estimation of MIMO-OFDM using Whale Swarm Optimization ” in IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering volume no.981(2020).