
Dr. K. Poongodi



Civil Engineering

Anna University, Chennai

18 Years


Construction Engineering and Management

Concrete Technology

Mail: k.poongodi@sru.edu.in

(From Highest)


Ph.D (Concrete Technology), Anna University


M.E (Construction Engineering and Management), Anna University


B.E (Civil Engineering), CIT, Coimbatore



Professor at SR University, Warangal, from 2018-11-12 to Till Date.


Professor at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, from 2015-05-28 to 2018-10-31.


Assistant Professor at Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women, from 2012-12-25 to 2015-05-27.


Assistant Professor at Kalaivani College of Technology, from 2011-06-01 to 2012-12-24.


Assistant Professor at Kongu Engineering College, from 2009-06-18 to 2011-05-31.


Lecturer at MPNMJ Engineering College, from 2005-06-10 to 2009-06-16.








Key Publications

Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Rainfall Using GIS in Rasipuram Taluk, Tamil Nadu, India Mageshkumar, P. Senthil, K.A., Sudharsan, N., Poongodi, K., Murthi, P. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2022, 232, pp. 185–197

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown on the Managerial Aspects of Brick Manufacturing Unit—A Case Study on Post and Present Scenario, Murthi, P., Poongodi, K. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering this link is disabled, 2022, 232, pp. 277–288

Development of green masonry mortar using fine recycled aggregate based on the shear bond strength of brick masonry, Murthi, P., Krishnamoorthi, S., Poongodi, K., Saravanan, R. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, 61, pp. 413–419

Effect of eggshell powder on structural and durability properties of high strength green concrete for sustainability: A critical review, Murthi, P., Lavanya, V., Poongodi, K. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, 68, pp. 1311–1318

A review report on Performance Evaluation of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) in structural applications Poongodi, K., Sravanthi, M., Murthi, P. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, 68, pp. 1349–1354

Development of fibre reinforced green mortar made with waste brick material as fine aggregate for sustainable masonry construction, Poongodi, K., Murthi, P. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, 68, pp. 1575–1580

Effects of using autoclaved aerated concrete block debris as lightweight aggregate on internal curing of concrete Poongodi, K., Murthi, P. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023

Investigation of the impact of eggshell powder blended mortar on brick masonry compressive strength Murthi, P. , Poongodi, K. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023

Performance Evaluation of Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Pavement Quality Concrete Made with Waste Granite Powder Murthi, P., Lavanya, V., Bahrami, A. Poongodi, K. Buildings, 2023, 13(5), 1294

32. K. Poongodi, P. Murthi, P. Revathi, Influence of coir fibre and recycled aggregate on bond strength of pavement quality concrete. Materials Today: Proceedings Journal, doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.10.370

31. Poongodi, K., Revathi, P., Murthi, P., Studies on Effect of Recycled Aggregate on Deflection Characteristics of RC Slab, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 822(1), 012035.

30. Poongodi, K., Murthi, P., Awoyera, P.O., Gobinath, R., Olalusi, O.B., Durability Properties of Self-compacting Concrete Made With Recycled Aggregate for Pavement Application, Silicon 13(8), pp. 2727–2735,

29. P. Murthi, S. Krishnamoorthi, K. Poongodi, R. Saravanan, Development of green masonry mortar using fine recycled aggregate based on the shear bond strength of brick masonry, Materials Today: Proceedings Journal, doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.10.501

28. Sudharsan, N., Grant, C.J.B., Murthi, P., Poongodi, K., Mahesh Kumar, P. A Comparative Experimental Investigation on Laced Reinforced Concrete Beam and Conventional Beam under Monotonic Loading, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 822(1), 012034

27. K.Poongodi and P.Murthi, Correlation between compressive strength and elastic modulus of lightweight self-compacting concrete using coconut shell as coarse aggregate, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 22 (2), 2021, pp. 85-95, doi.org/10.1080/13287982.2021.1926061.

26. P Vasanthi, S Senthil Selvan, P Murthi and K Poongodi, Impact of Partial Replacement of Cement by Coconut Shell Ash and Coarse Aggregate by Coconut Shell on Mechanical Properties of Concrete, IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, 981(2), (2020) 032080, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032080.

25. R Saravanan, K Poongodi, P Murthi and R Gobinath, Effect of particle grain size on its shear strength behaviour of soils IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, 981 (2020) 032079, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032079

24. P Murthi and K Poongodi, Effect of bacteria on strength and porosity of M-sand based pumpable concrete IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, 981 (2020) 032078 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032078.

23. R Saravanan, P Murthi, K Poongodi and R Gobinath, Scale effect of rectangular and square footing of shallow foundation resting on cohesive soil, IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, 981 (2020) 032061, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032061.

22. P Murthi, K Poongodi, R Saravanan and R Gobinath, Effect of ratio between Na2SiO3 and NaOH solutions and curing temperature on the early age properties of geopolymer mortar IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, Vol.981 (2020), doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032060.

21. M Sivaraja, K Poongodi, M Jegan, A R Krishnaraja and P Murthi, Performance of hybrid waste fibrous materials in high strength concrete IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, 981(2020) 032059, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032059.

20. K Poongodi, R Saravanan, P Murthi and R Gobinath, Acid resistance behaviour of Binary blended Geo-polymer Mortar, IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, 981(2020) 032058, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032058, (Best paper awarded).

19. P.Murthi, K.Poongodi, N.Kotteswaran, Influence of waste brick powder on properties of masonry mortar and its impact on the masonry strength, IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, 1006 (2020) 012025, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1006/1/012025.

18. P.Murthi, K.Poongodi, R.Gobinath, Effects of corn cob ash as mineral admixture on mechanical and durability properties of concrete – A review, IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, 1006 (2020) 012027, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1006/1/012027.

17. P. Murthi, R.Saravanan, K.Poongodi, Studies on the impact of polypropylene and silica fume blended combination on the material behaviour of black cotton soil

16. K. Poongodi, P.Murthi, P.O.Awoyera, R Gobinath and O.B.Olalusi, “Durability Properties of self-compacting concrete made with recycled aggregate for pavement application” Silicon, Springer Publications, doi.org/10.1007/s12633-020-00635-7

15. P. Murthi, K.Poongodi and R.Gobinath “Correlation between rebound hammer number and mechanical properties of steel fibre reinforced pavement quality concrete”

14. K.Poongodi, P.Murthi, R.Gobinath “Evaluation of ductility index enhancement level of banana fibre reinforced lightweight self-compacting concrete beam, Elsevier

13. P Murthi, K Poongodi, R Gobinath and R Saravanan, “Evaluation of material performance of coir fibre reinforced quaternary blended concrete” IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/872/1/012133

12. K Poongodi, V Mahesh, P Murthi and M Sivaraja “Material Performance of Agro based Hybrid Natural Fibre Reinforced High Strength Concrete” IOP: Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series Journal, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/872/1/012132

11. P.Murthi, K.Poongodi, P.O.Awoyera, R.Gobinath, K.T.Raja, O.B.Olalusi, “Fresh properties of self-compacting concrete incorporating electric arc furnace oxidizing slag (EAFOS) as coarse aggregate”, SN Applied Science, March 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2497-6.

10. K.Poongodi, P.Murthi, “Impact strength enhancement of banana fibre reinforced lightweight self-compacting concrete” Materials Today Proceedings Journal, Vol.27, 2020, pp.1203-1209. Doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.02.108. (Best paper awarded)

9. S.Dhavamani Doss, S.Thirugnanasambandam, P.Murthi, K.Poongodi, “Development of Alkaline Activated High Strength Concrete using Fly Ash - Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag - Metakaolin as Binders and Manufacturing Sand as Fine Aggregate”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Feb. 2020, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 903 – 911. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1199.029420.

8. S.Dhavamani Doss, S.Thirugnanasambandam, P.Murthi, K.Poongodi, “Compressive Strength and Water Absorption Relationship of Alkaline Activated Concrete”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Feb. 2020, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 897 – 902. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1198.029420.

7. P.Murthi, K.Poongodi, R.Saravanan, R.Gobinath, “Setting Time of Granite Powder Blended Banana Fibre Reinforced High Performance Concrete” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Feb. 2020, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 891 – 896. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1197.029420.

6. P. Murthi, Almas Khan, K. Poongodi, R. Gobinath, “Properties of Pavement Quality Concrete Prepared with Recycled Coarse Aggregate”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol.8. No.5, 2020, pp.3186 - 3192. DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D9738.018520.

5. P.Murthi, K.Poongodi, P. O. Awoyera, R.Gobinath, M.Sivaraja, K.Thirumalai Raja, Amelec Viloria, “Permeability properties of lightweight self-consolidating concrete made with coconut shell as aggregate”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol.9, No. 3, pp.3547-3557, doi.org/10.1016/ j.jmrt.2020.01.092.

4. K.Poongodi, P.Murthi, R.Gobinath, A.Srinivas, G.Sangeetha, “Mechanical Properties of Pavement Quality Concrete Using Recycled Aggregate”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Jan.2020, Vol. 9, No.1, pp. 33-38. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A3898.119119

3. P. Murthi, K. Poongodi, P. O. Awoyera, R. Gobinath, R.Saravanan, “Enhancing the Strength Properties of High-Performance Concrete Using Ternary Blended Cement: OPC, Nano-Silica, Bagasse Ash”, Silicon, Nov.2019, Doi.org/10.1007/s12633-019-00324-0

2. P.Murthi, K.Poongodi, R.Gobinath, Studies on the impact of Ternary Blend for Early Prediction of Compressive Strength Using Accelerated Curing, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

1. K. Poongodi, P. Murthi, M. Shivaraj, B. Arun Kumar, G.Sangeetha, A. Srinivas, R. Gobinath, ANN based prediction of Bond and Impact Strength of Light Weight Self Consolidating Concrete with coconut shell, IEEE Explore Feb. 2020, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication for Smart World (I2C2SW), Erode, India, 2018, pp. 364-370.DOI: 10.1109/I2C2SW45816.2018.8997421

Awards and Honors / Achievements


1. Gold Medal in ME Program 2. Best Research Paper Award - 3 Nos.


Design of Green Buildings

Dr.P.Murthi, Dr.K.Poongodi

M/s, Charulatha Publisher, Chennai