Associate Professor(Assoc. Head)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Anna University
14 years
Information security, Fog computing, Blockchain, Low power VLSI design
Ph.D- Low Power VLSI, Anna University, Chennai
ME-VLSI Design, Anna University, Chennai
BE-ECE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore
Associate Professor at SR University, from 2023-07-28 to Till Date.
Associate Professor at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, from 2022-07-01 to 2023-07-19.
Assistant Professor at GMR Institute of Technology, AP, from 2018-10-15 to 2022-06-29.
Assistant Professor at Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil, from 2017-06-12 to 2018-05-31.
Assistant Professor at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, from 2009-03-16 to 2017-04-29.
Rajasekaran, A.S., Azees, M., Dash, C.S. et al. Content addressable memory (CAM) based robust anonymous authentication and integrity preservation scheme for wireless body area networks (WBAN). Multimed Tools Appl (2023).[SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.6] [Q1]
Arun Sekar Rajasekaran and Azees, “A Fog-Based Anonymous Authentication Scheme with location privacy for Wireless Body area Network with FPGA Implementation”,in International Journal of Information Security. [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 2.72]
J. Subramani, A. Maria, A. Arun Sekar, R., F. Al-Turjman and M. Gopal, "Blockchain-based Physically Secure and Privacy-Aware Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Fog-based VANETs," in IEEE Access, 2023 doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3230448. [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.367]
Subramani, J., Nguyen, T. N., Maria, Arun Sekar, R., & Cengiz, K. (2021). Lightweight batch authentication and privacy-preserving scheme for online education system. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 96, 107532. doi:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2021.107532. [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.818]
Arasan, A., Sadaiyandi, R., Al-Turjman, F., Arun Sekar, R., Computationally efficient and Secure Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Cloud Users. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol 25, 2021 [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.006]
J. Subramani, A. Maria, Arun Sekar, R. and F. Al-Turjman, "Lightweight Privacy and Confidentiality Preserving Anonymous Authentication Scheme for WBANs," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 3484-3491, May 2022, doi: 10.1109/TII.2021.3097759. [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 10.215]
Subramani, J., Maria, A., Arun Sekar, R. “Efficient anonymous authentication scheme for automatic dependent surveillance?broadcast system with batch verification”. IET Communications, 15(9), 1187-1197. 2021. doi:10.1049/cmu2.12152. [Q2] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 1.542]
Gurumoorthy, K.B.; Arun Sekar Rajasekaran; Kalirajan, K.; Gopinath, S.; Al-Turjman, F.; Kolhar, M.; Altrjman, C. Wearable Sensor Data Classification for Identifying Missing Transmission Sequence Using Tree Learning. Sensors 2023, 23, 4924. [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.576]
Azees M, Arun Sekar, R., Muhammad Islam Satti, "An Anonymous Signature-Based Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks", Security and CommunicationNetworks, vol. 2022, ID 1222660, 9 pages, 2022. [Q2] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 1.791]
Azees M, Arun Sekar, R., Fadi Al-Turjman, Chadi Altrjman, and Leonardo Mostarda. "BAIV: An Efficient Blockchain-Based Anonymous Authentication and Integrity Preservation Scheme for Secure Communication in VANETs", Electronics, 11, no. 3: 488, 2022. [Q2] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 2.690]
Iqbal, A., Arun Sekar, R., Nikhil, G. S., & Azees, M. “A Secure and Decentralized Blockchain Based EV Energy Trading Model Using Smart Contract in V2G Network”. IEEE Access, 9, 75761-75777, 2021. doi:10.1109/access.2021.3081506. [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.367]
Arun Sekar, R., Maria, A., Rajagopal, M., & Lorincz, J. “Blockchain enabled anonymous privacy-preserving authentication scheme for internet of health things”. Sensors, 23(1), 240. 2023. [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.576]
Arun Sekar, R., Azees, M., "An Anonymous Blockchain-Based Authentication Scheme for Secure Healthcare Applications", Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2022, Article ID 2793116, 12 pages, 2022. [Q2] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 1.791]
Arun sekar R, Azees, M., & Yahya, K. (2023). FHAAPS: Efficient anonymous authentication with privacy preservation scheme for farm-to-home communication. Security and Communication Networks, 2023, 1–12. [Q2] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 1.791]
Arun Sekar, R., & Sasipriya, S. “Implementation of FIR filter using reversible modified carry select adder”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 31(14). 2018. [Q3] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 1.114]
Arun Sekar, R., Maria, A., Al-Turjman, F., Altrjman, C., & Mostarda, L. “ABRIS: Anonymous blockchain based revocable and Integrity Preservation Scheme for vehicle to Grid Network”. Energy Reports, 8, 9331–9343. 2022. [Q2] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 4.937]
Arun Sekar, R, Azees, M., & Al-Turjman, F. “A comprehensive survey on Blockchain technology”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52, 102039. 2022. [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 7.632]
Arun Sekar, R.; Maria, A.; Al-Turjman, F.; Altrjman, C.; Mostarda, L. “Anonymous Mutual and Batch Authentication with Location Privacy of UAV in FANET”, Drones 2022, 6, 14. [Q1] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 5.450]
Arun Sekar, R., Azees, M., & Al-Turjman, F. “A comprehensive survey on security issues in vehicle-to-grid networks”, Journal of Control and Decision, 1-10. 2021. doi:10.1080/23307706.2021.2021113. [Q3] [SCI Journal, Impact Factor: 3.952]
A smart dustbin designed for disabled people is an innovative and accessible solution that aims to make waste disposal more convenient and user-friendly for individuals with disabilities. This smart dustbin incorporates various technologies and features to address the unique needs and challenges that disabled individuals might face when using traditional waste bins.
Blockchain-based IoT data acquisition in an edge computing environment is a cutting-edge approach that combines the Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, and blockchain technology to enable secure, decentralized, and efficient data collection and management.
The determination of yarn length using Arduino Uno involves leveraging the microcontroller's precise timing capabilities. By attaching an optical encoder or similar sensor to the yarn spindle, the Arduino can measure the rotations and calculate the yarn length based on known parameters. This approach provides an automated and accurate method for tracking yarn length during various textile and manufacturing processes.