Associate Professor(Asst Dean Alumni)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
21 Years
Reading Books, Travelling
Biomedical Image Processing
PhD From JNTUH Hyderabad
M.Tech from OSMANIA UNIVERSITY with Microwave and Radar Engineering specialization
Associate Professor at SR University Warangal, from 2012-07-09 to Till Date.
Assistant Professor at VNRVJIET, from 2006-12-21 to 2012-07-04.
Assistant Professor at JCET, from 2005-12-05 to 2006-12-19.
Assistant Professor at JITS, from 2002-07-04 to 2005-12-02.
A.Srinath, K.Rajkumar and J.Ravichander, “Artifacts Removal Techniques In EEG data for BCI Applications: A Survey” got accepted as book chapter in Neuro Rehabilitation, Elsevier.
P.Anuradha ,K.rajkumar, , Rajeshwarrao.A and R.Shareena, “QCA-Based Error Detection Circuit for NanocommunicationNetwork” Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Vol1,
K.rajkumar, P.Anuradha, Rajeshwarrao.A and J.Vasavi“Design And Synthesis of Random Number Generator using LFSR” Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications, Vol1,
K. Rajkumar, V.Padmaja, “Study on Mueller Matrix Polar Decomposition of Breast Tissue”, New Ideas Concerning Science and Technology Vol. 13, 12 June 2021 , Page 58-65 2021-06-12.
Meenakshi, Rohit, K.rajkumar, Abesh Chakraborty, Rajesh, Upendra Singh. “ Deep Learning insights and methods for classifying wildlife” IEEE conference 2023 (ICACITE), DOI: 10.1109/ICACITE57410.2023.10183057.
K.Rajkumar, “Integration of Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Wireless Networks” International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies, 26-28 April 2023. ICICT 2023, Lalitpur, Nepal, Page(s):1251 – 1253,DOI: 10.1109/ICICT57646.2023
K.Rajkumar , “An efficient image-denoising method using a deep learning technique” paper got accepted in IEEE conference VITeCon-2023, on 5th-6th May at VIT, Vellore.
Srinath.A, K.Rajkumar, Ravichander.J, “EEG based Motor Imagery BCI using Four Class Iterative Filtering & Four Class Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern” paper got accepted in IEEE ICAECIS 2023, on 19th April at BIT-Bangalore.
Srinath.A, K.Rajkumar, Ravichander.J, “EEG based Motor Imagery BCI using Four Class Iterative Filtering & Four Class Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern” paper got accepted in IEEE ICAECIS 2023, on 19th April at BIT-Bangalore.
K.Rajkumar, “Kidney Cancer Detection using Deep Learning Models” at the 7th IEEE International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics 2023 on 11-13 April 2023 at SCAD College of Engg, Chennai
P.Anuradha,, K.Rajkumar, Ch.Navitha, M.Jithender, “Implementation of Automatic Vending Machine using FPGA” paper presented in 2nd International IEEE conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing 2022 on 27th-28th Dec . atVasavi Engineering College Hyderabad
K. Rajkumar“Shape from Shading Models in Image Processing”, Paper Presented in Second International Conference on Trends in Optics and Photonics, December 2011, UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA.
K. Rajkumar, Dr. P.V.Kanaka Rao, Dr. Padma Sunethri and Dr. V. Padmaja, “Mueller Matrix Imaging Polarimetry – for Tissue Imaging” in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC2015) May. 28th to 30th 2015Organized by Department of Instrumentation & Control, College of Engineering, Pune. INDIA, ISSN-Proceedings: 978-1-4799-7165-7/15/$31.00 c2015IEEE, Conference Record #34660, pp. 1540-1543.
K. Rajkumar and Dr. V. Padmaja, “Physically Reliable Mueller Matrix – Malignant Thyroid Tissue” in IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET) 23rd to 25th March 2016 Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, INDIA. ISBN-978-1-4673-9338-6/16//$31.00 c2016IEEE, pp. 483-485.
Srinath, K.Rajkumar, Ravichander, “A complete survey on Common Spatial Pattern echniques in Motor Imagery BCI” ( Review Article) Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2023; Vol 12(Issue 3), 40-49.ISSN 2320-4818.
Emotion detection from the text” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 18, No 6, March 2023, ISSN 1819-6608. Pages 725--729.
K.Rajkumar, P. Anuradha, Ravichander Janapati, J. Vasavi , “Cell-Edge Detection using Canny Algorithm and Mathematical Morphology” AIP Conference Proceedings 2418, 030071 (2022);
P Anuradha, K Rajkumar, Rajeshwarrao Arabelli and R Shareena, “Implementation Of High Speed 64-Bit MAC Unit Using FPGA” AIP Conference Proceedings 2418, 030060 (2022);
P.Anuradha, Rajeshwarrao Arabelli, K.Rajkumar and Ch. Padmaja, “MIMO-OFDM Based High-Rate Information Transmission Through Ultrasonic” AIP Conference Proceedings 2418, 030059 (2022);
K. Rajkumar and Dr. V. Padmaja, “Optical Realization for Tissue Imaging” I-manager’s Journal on Image Processing, Vol. 2, No. 4, pages 46-51, October - December 2015, ISSN: 2349-4530.
K. Rajkumar and Dr. V. Padmaja, “Polarized Laser Beam Interaction with Soft Tissue Matter” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, No 23, pages 43611-43614. 2015, ISSN: 0973-4562. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
K. Rajkumar and Dr. V. Padmaja, “Mueller Matrix Polar Decomposition of Breast Tissue” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 11, No 3, February 2016 pages 1778-1781, ISSN: 1819-6608. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
B.Siddartha and K.Raj kumar “Monitoring of RICE Crops Using GPRS And Wireles Sensors For Efficient Use of Water and Electricity”. International journal of Innovative Technology and Research, Volume No 4, Issue No.5, August-September 2016,3933-3935.
A.Mounika and K.Rajkumar, “UNDERWATER POSITIONING NAVIGATION BASED ON METAL DETECTOR” International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineeringand Technology(IJARTET) Vol.4,Special Issue 2,January 2017.
A.Mounika and K.Rajkumar, “Sonar Based Accurate Positioning System Under Water With Floating Surface GPS Nodes” Advanced in Computational Sciences and Technology ISSN 0973-6107 Volume 10,Number 10(2017)pp.3189-3196., Research India Publications.
. B.Mounika and K.Rajkumar, “FCS Design of Efficient 32-Bit Parallel PrefixBrentKung Adder” Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology ISSN 0973-6107, Volume 10,Number 10(2017)pp.3103-3109, Research India Publications.
RajeshwarRao A, K.Raj Kumar, D.Srinivas, “Prototyping Product-Oriented Introduction to Engineering Course”, International Journal of InnovativeTechnology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN:2278-3075, Vol-8, Issue-5, March-2019.
D.Srinivas, K.Rajkumar,N.Hanumantha Rao, “Service Quality Dimensions-A Study of Select Public and Private Sector Banks of Warangal District”, Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mechanical Sciences ISSN(Online):2454-7190, Vol-15, No-8,August(2020)pp 307-314. ISSN(Print) 0973-8975.
P.Anuradha, K.Rajkumar, J.Ravichander and Ch Padmaja,Convolution “Neural Networks Based Blind Quality Predictor”, IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering 981(2020)032049, Doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032049.
P Anuradha, Rajeshwarrao A, K.Rajkumar and J.Ravichander, “Microcontroller Based Bi-directional Vehicle Counter and Automatic Gate Controlling System”, IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering 981(2020)032023 Doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032023
P.Anuradha, Rajeshwar Rao A, K.Rajkumar, and J.Ravichander, “Microcontroller based Monitoring and Controlling of LPG Leaks Using Internet of Things”, IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering 981(2020)032021, Doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032021.
Rajeshwarrao A, P.Anuradha, K.Rajkumar and Shravani Y, “Smart street light management system for conservation of electrical energy”, IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering 981(2020)032041, Doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032041.
Anuradha P, Rajeshwarrao A, Rajkumar K, “Noise removal of ECG signals with adaptive filtering”, Materials Today Proceedings
Rajkumar.K, Anuradha P., RajeshwarRao A, KanakaRao P.V, “The Future of Engineering Education-A Visionary of New Centuary”, Materials Today Proceedings
K.Rajkumar, D.Srinivas, P.Anuradha, A.RajeshwarRao, “Problem-Oriented and project based learning as an innovative learning strategy for sustainable development in engineering education”, Materials Today Proceedings
K.Rajkumar and P.V.Kanakarao, “PIXEL BY PIXEL PROCESSING TECHNIQUE TO CHARACTERIZE TISSUE IMAGING” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 16, No 5, March 2021, ISSN 1819-6608. Pages 563-567.
K. Rajkumar and Dr. V. Padmaja. “Polarization Properties of Thyroid Tissue by Polar Decomposition of Mueller Matrix” Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2019 (Springer), ISSN:1028-6276, VOL.43, NO.1,279-283, DOI 10.1007/s40995-017-0243-8.
K. Rajkumar and Dr. V. Padmaja. “Polarimetric Parameters to Categorize Normal and Malignant Thyroid Tissue”, IETE Journal of Research, 2017 (Taylor & Francis), ISSN:0377-2063(Print)0974-780X(Online) VOL.63, NO.6,893-897