Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Bharathiar University
17 years
Image Processing,Machine Learning,Data Science
Digital Image Processing, Machine Learning
"Supervised Machine Learning Strategy for Detection of Covid 19 patients"-ICECONF 2023.IEEE xplore
"Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Cancer Disease Diagnosis-A Deep Learning Based Approach",Journal of Complementary Medicine Research,Volume-14 Issue 1 2023
"Multiple attribute feature Extraction and High support vector classifier for the identification of cytomegalovirus images.",International Journal of Image and Video Processing (IJVP)Volume 11, Issue 02,ISSN:0976-9102. 2020
"A Novel approach of segmentation of cytomegalovirus image using K-means clustering and discrete wavelet transform "International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE’20) 2020.
"Bat Optimization Algorithm for Preamble Separation and Allocation using Prioritization Method"International Journal of Computer Application,ISSN:0975-8887,Volume 177-no 34 January 2020.
"Image Enhancement and Feature Extraction of Cytomegalovirus Image using Hierarchical Ranking Convolutional Neural Network (HR-CNN),International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278–3075 Volume-8 Issue-12, October 2019.
Enhancing Privacy Preserving Query Retrieval Using Locality Sensitive Hashing", International Journal of Scientific Research In Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology,ISSN 2456-3307 Volume 5,Issue 1/4126,January 2019
Adaptive Gaussian Filtering (AGF) and segmentation using Deep Neural Network (DNN) for Breast Tumour Classification. International journal of computer science engineering and its applications(CSEA),NO5,ISSN :2321-2381 October 2018
Enhancing Privacy Preserving Query Retrieval Using Locality Sensitive Hashing,International journal of computer science engineering and its applications(CSEA),NO 5,ISSN :2321-2381 October 2018.
"Cognizance of Congenital Cytomegalovirus", International Journal of Computer Applications ISSN:0975-8887 Volume 182,No.28 ,2018