
Dr. Venkataramana Veeramsetty



Electrical and Electronics Engineering

NIT Warangal

12 Years


AI applications in Electrical Engineering, Health Care and Agriculture, Computer Vision and renewable energies

Power system deregulation, DG placement and Electric power load forecasting

(From Highest)


Doctor of Philosophy in electrical engineering with specialization in power system deregulation from NIT Warangal


Master of Engineering in power systems from Osmania University


Bachelor of Technology in electrical and electronics engineering from GMR Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh



Associate professor at SR University , from 2023-07-01 to Till Date.


Assistant Professor at SR University (Erstwhile SR Engineering College, Warangal) , from 2018-06-07 to 2023-06-30.


Research Scholar at NIT Warangal, from 2014-12-18 to 2018-05-31.


Assistant professor at Sri Sivani Group of Colleges, Srikakulam, from 2013-06-11 to 2014-07-26.


Systems Engineer at Infosys, from 2011-09-26 to 2013-05-07.


Assistant professor at Sri Sivani Group of Colleges, Srikakulam, from 2007-07-02 to 2009-08-29.






Key Publications

Naga Lakshmi, Gubbala Venkata, et al. "Optimal placement of distributed generation based on power quality improvement using self-adaptive Lévy flight Jaya algorithm." Clean Technologies 4.4 (2022): 1242-1254.

Veeramsetty, Venkataramana, et al. "Zero Crossing Point Detection in a Distorted Sinusoidal Signal Using Decision Tree Classifier." Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 20.4 (2023): 444-477.

Lakshmi, GV Naga, A. Jayalaxmi, and Venkataramana Veeramsetty. "Optimal placement of distributed generation based on DISCO’s financial benefit with loss and emission reduction using hybrid Jaya–Red Deer optimizer." Electrical Engineering 105.2 (2023): 965-977.

Veeramsetty, Venkataramana, et al. "Active Power Load Data Dimensionality Reduction Using Autoencoder." Power Quality in Microgrids: Issues, Challenges and Mitigation Techniques. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. 471-494.

Veeramsetty, Venkataramana, et al. "Weather Forecasting Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network in Warangal, India." Urban Science 7.3 (2023): 68.

Veeramsetty, V., Lakshmi, G. N., & Jayalaxmi, A. (2012, March). Optimal allocation and contingency analysis of embedded generation deployment in distribution network using genetic algorithm. In 2012 International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET) (pp. 86-91). IEEE.

Veeramsetty, V., Chintham, V., & Kumar, D. M. V. (2020). Probabilistic locational marginal price computation in radial distribution system based on active power loss reduction. IET generation, transmission & distribution, 14(12), 2292-2302.

Veeramsetty, V., Chintham, V., & Vinod Kumar, D. M. (2018). Proportional nucleolus game theory–based locational marginal price computation for loss and emission reduction in a radial distribution system. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 28(8), e2573.

Veeramsetty, V., Chintham, V., & DM, V. K. (2018). LMP computation at DG buses in radial distribution system. International Journal of Energy Sector Management.

Veeramsetty, V., Venkaiah, C., & Kumar, D. M. (2018). Hybrid genetic dragonfly algorithm based optimal power flow for computing LMP at DG buses for reliability improvement. Energy systems, 9(3), 709-757.

Veeramsetty, V., Edudodla, B. R., & Salkuti, S. R. (2021). Zero-Crossing Point Detection of Sinusoidal Signal in Presence of Noise and Harmonics Using Deep Neural Networks. Algorithms, 14(11), 329.

Veeramsetty, V., Rakesh Chandra, D., & Salkuti, S. R. (2022). Short Term Active Power Load Forecasting Using Machine Learning with Feature Selection. In Next Generation Smart Grids: Modeling, Control and Optimization (pp. 103-124). Springer, Singapore.

Rakesh Chandra, D., Salkuti, S. R., & Veeramsetty, V. (2022). Transient Stability Enhancement of Power System with Grid Connected DFIG Based Wind Turbine. In Next Generation Smart Grids: Modeling, Control and Optimization (pp. 279-295). Springer, Singapore.

Veeramsetty, V. (2022). Distribution locational marginal price computation based on active power loss and emissions in active distribution system using nucleolus theory. Evolutionary Intelligence, 1-17.

Veeramsetty, V., Mohnot, A., Singal, G., & Salkuti, S. R. (2021). Short term active power load prediction on a 33/11 kv substation using regression models. Energies, 14(11), 2981.

Lakshmi, G. N., Jayalaxmi, A., & Veeramsetty, V. (2020, December). Optimal placement of distributed generation using firefly algorithm. In IOP conference series: materials science and engineering (Vol. 981, No. 4, p. 042060). IOP Publishing.

Veeramsetty, V., Singal, G., & Badal, T. (2020). Coinnet: platform independent application to recognize Indian currency notes using deep learning techniques. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(31), 22569-22594.

Singal, G., Singhal, H., Kushwaha, R. et al. RoadWay. Multimed Tools Appl (2022).

Veeramsetty, Venkataramana, et al. ""Short Term Electric Power Load Forecasting Using Principal Component Analysis and Recurrent Neural Networks."" Forecasting 4.1 (2022): 149-164.

Venkata, Naga Lakshmi Gubbala, Jaya Laxmi Askani, and Venkataramana Veeramsetty. ""Optimal placement of distributed generation based on DISCO’s additional benefit using self adaptive levy flight based black widow optimization."" International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 22.4 (2021): 401-410.

Lakshmi, G. V., A. Jayalaxmi, and Venkataramana Veeramsetty. ""Optimal Placement of Distribution Generation in Radial Distribution System Using Hybrid Genetic Dragonfly Algorithm."" Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy 6.1 (2021): 1-13.

Veeramsetty, Venkataramana. ""Shapley value cooperative game theory-based locational marginal price computation for loss and emission reduction."" Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems 6.1 (2021): 1-11.

Jethani, Sahil, et al. ""Surveillance system for monitoring social distance."" International Advanced Computing Conference. Springer, Singapore, 2020.

Veeramsetty, Venkataramana, Venkaiah Chintham, and Vinod Kumar DM. ""Locational marginal price computation in radial distribution system using Self Adaptive Levy Flight based JAYA Algorithm and game theory."" International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 22.2 (2021): 215-231.

Veeramsetty, Venkataramana, et al. ""Short-term electric power load forecasting using random forest and gated recurrent unit."" Electrical Engineering (2021): 1-23.

Veeramsetty, Venkataramana, D. Rakesh Chandra, and Surender Reddy Salkuti. ""Short?term electric power load forecasting using factor analysis and long short?term memory for smart cities."" International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 49.6 (2021): 1678-1703.

Awards and Honors / Achievements


Received ambassadorship from NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute in 2018. With this ambassadorship, trained approximately 150 students and faculty on fundamentals of computer vision


Chaired the session at the 2018 IEEE 8th International Advance Computing Conference, Bennett University, Greater Noida, India


Received Best Paper Award in SocPros-2018


Successfully completed a project "Coinnet: platform independent application to recognize Indian currency notes using deep learning techniques" as a sabbatical at Bennett University , Greater Noida, India during the period from 15.04.2019 to


Received "Research Excellence Award - 2020" from Institute of Scholars (InSc)


Invited as a guest speaker by university college of engineering (Osmania University) for one week refresher course on "Applications of AI Techniques In Electrical Engineering": Date-18.11.2019-23.11-2019


Invited as a guest speaker by National Institute of Technology-Tiruchirappalli for a Five Day STTP (Online Mode) on “Modern Power System Optimization: Techniques, Tools and Applications"


Invited as a guest speaker by MJCET-Hyderabad for One Week FDP on “AI Applications in Power Electronic Systems” (AAPES-20) during 20th to 25th January 2020


Invited as a guest speaker by SSCE for a three day national level workshop on "Fundamentals of computer vision and artificial neural networks"


Invited by National Institute of Technology - Andhrapradesh for a guest lecture on "MATLAB-Basics"


Invited by VCE-Warangal for a guest lecture on "MATLAB-Basics"