
Dr. G. Bhupal Raj


Dean (Ag)

School of Agriculture

Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad

38 Years

Research, Teaching and Administration

Micronutrients in Soils and Plants and enrichment in food grain, Soil fertility, Soil Pollution, Leaf Analysis based nutrient recommendation (DRIS), Micronutrients, Integrated Nutrient Management, Organic farming, Phytoremediation

Mail: dean.soa@sru.edu.in

(From Highest)


Ph.D ( Ag.) with specialisation in Soil Science from Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad


M.Sc ( Ag.) with specilization of Soil Science from Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad


B.Sc. (Ag.) from Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad



Professor and Dean at SR University, from 2021-10-23 to .


Dean at Kadiri Babu Rao College of Agriculture & Horticulture, AP, from 2020-10-01 to 2021-10-22.


Director of Extension & PG Programs at PG Programs, Paralakhemundi, Odisha , from 2019-05-01 to 2020-09-30.


Director of Extension(University Officer) at PJTSAU , from 2014-12-01 to 2015-06-30.


Director of International Programs. (U.O.) at PJTSAU , from 2014-05-09 to 2014-11-30.


Principal Scientist & Head of Soil Science Schemes at ANGRAU, Hyderabad, from 2012-09-29 to 2014-05-08.


Associate Dean at Agricultural College, Jagtial, PJTSAU, from 2012-01-01 to 2012-04-15.


Associate Director of Research (NTZ) &Principal,Agrl.Polytechnic at RARS, Jagtial, ANGRAU , from 2010-05-09 to 2012-09-28.


Principal Scientist & Head of Soil Science Schemes at ANGRAU, Hyderabad, from 2006-04-28 to 2010-05-08.


Senior Scientist & Head of Soil Science Schemes at ANGRAU, Hyderabad , from 1998-04-28 to 2006-04-27.


Scientist/Assistant Professor at ANGRAU, Rudrur , from 1983-03-14 to 1998-04-27.






Key Publications

M. A. Gandhi, L. Singh, P. V, G. B. Raj, Sowmiya and H. Patil, "An Innovative Method for Paddy Yield Prediction Based on DCNN-ELM Approach," 2024 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT), Bengaluru, India, 2024, pp. 762-767, doi: 10.1109/IDCIoT59759.2024.10467772.

Using IoT and Machine Learning Together for Agricultural Predictive Maintenance G. Bhupal Raj, Deepak Kholiya, Raja R Vinston, Dler Salih Hasan, Navdeep Singh, Atish Mane, Liviu Rosca Book Recent Trends In Engineering and Science for Resource Optimization and Sustainable Development Edition1st Edition First Published2025 ImprintCRC Press Pages5 eBook ISBN9781003596721

Maguluri, L.P., Geetha, B., Banerjee, S. et al. Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change: A Deep Learning Approach to Remote Sensing for Food Security Monitoring. Remote Sens Earth Syst Sci 7, 709–721 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41976-024-00161-9

Madhavi, M., Kolikipogu, R., Prabakar, S. et al. Experimental Evaluation of Remote Sensing–Based Climate Change Prediction Using Enhanced Deep Learning Strategy. Remote Sens Earth Syst Sci 7, 642–656 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41976-024-00152-w

G. B. Raj, J. S. Priya, R. D. Jadhav, V. P. S, A. K. Koshariya and K. Sucharitha, "An Enhanced Extreme Learning Machine for Crop Yield Prediction," 2024 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS), Chennai, India, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICPECTS62210.2024.10780281.

G. B. Raj, C. R. Mohan, A. Karthik, A. Nagpal, M. V. Laxmi and V. Asha, "Remote Monitoring and Control of Agricultural Systems Using IoT and Machine Learning," 2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI), Chennai, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ACCAI61061.2024.10602186.

G. B. Raj, E. Boddepalli, C. Veena, Manjunatha, A. Singla and J. Dhanraj, "Predictive Modeling of Crop Yield in Precision Agriculture Using Machine Learning Techniques," 2024 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI), Chennai, India, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ACCAI61061.2024.10602450.

New Generation Technologies for Precision Nutrient Management for Sustainable Agriculture B B Nayak, D. Mrudula, T. Prasanna and G. Bhupal Raj Current Trends in Agriculture & Allied Sciences (Volume 4) ISBN- 978-93-341-0243-7

Raj, G.B., Raghuram, K., Varun, V.L., Sharma, D.K., Kapila, D., Kapila, D. (2025). Development of Prediction Model for Chemicals in Fresh Fruits Using Artificial Neural Network. In: Kumar, A., Gunjan, V.K., Senatore, S., Hu, YC. (eds) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Applications; Volume 1. ICDSMLA 2023. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1273. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-8031-0_113

Raj, G.B., Mandal, R.C., Srivastava, D., Das, A., Shaikh, M.A., Kapila, D. (2025). Use of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Farming for Selecting the Composition of Smart Manure. In: Kumar, A., Gunjan, V.K., Senatore, S., Hu, YC. (eds) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Applications; Volume 1. ICDSMLA 2023. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1273. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-8031-0_115

K. C. Ravi, P. K. Mudalkar, J. Ranga, G. B. Raj, B. Swapna and D. Venkatesh, "Empowering Sustainable Agriculture through IoT: Innovations for Precision Farming and Crop Monitoring," 2023 9th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS), CHENNAI, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICSSS58085.2023.10407883.

Rajamani, K. Lydia, C., and Bhupal Raj, G. 2022. RNA Interference (RNAi) Induced Gene Silencing to enhance crop resilience. Agriculture Association of Textile Chemical and Critical Reviews Journal, 59-68

Rajamani, K., G. Bhupal Raj and M. Yakadri. 2022. Silicon and Nitrogen Influence on Lodging Resistance and Productivity of Rice. Theoretical Biology Forum, 71-79

Bhupal Raj, G., Patnaik, M.C. and Subbaiah, V.V.(1997).Heavy metal pollution in soils and fodder in paragrass irrigated with sewage and effluent water all along the Musi river.Journal of Environmental Biology,6(2), 177-182.

Bhupal Raj, G., Patnaik, M.C., Surendra Babu, P., Kalakumar, P., Singh, M.V. and Shylaja, J.(2006).Heavy metal contaminants in water-soil-plant-animal continuum due to pollution of Musi river around Hyderabad in India.Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 76 (2), 131-133.

Bhupal Raj,G.,Pat.naik,M.C.,Reddy,I.P.and Prasad Rao,A.(2001).Response of Brinjal to Zinc and Iron.Vegetable Scienc,28 (1), 80-81. 29.

Bhupal Raj, G., SurendraBabu, P., Shailaja, J. Khadke, K.M. and Patnaik, M.C.(2007).Effect of different Nutrient Management Practices on Seed Yield and Oil output in Castor under Rainfed Condition.Journal of Oilseed Research. 24(1),118-120.

Patnaik,M.C. and Bhupal Raj, G.(1999).Direct, residual and cumulative effects of Zinc in Rice-Rice Cropping System.Oryza,36(4),331-335.

Patnaik,M.C.,Bhupal Raj,G.and Reddy, I.P.(2001).Response of Tomato to Zinc and Iron.Vegetable Science, 28 (1),78-79.

Ravi,P.and Bhupal Raj,G.(2015).Identification of Yield limiting nutrients in Rice through DRIS indices.Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 63 (1),75-82.

SasmitaTripati, Sumati, S. and Bhupal Raj, G.( 2006). Mineral Nutritional Status of Type II Diabetic Subjects.International journal of Diabetes in developing countries, 24,27-28.

KusumaGrace, Sharma,K., Seshadri,K.V, Ranganayakulu,C, Subramanyam,K.V., Bhupal Raj,G.,Sharma,S.H.K,Ramesh,G, Pravin Gajibhiye and Madhav.(2012).Evaluation of sweet orange (Citrus sinensisL.Osbeck) Cv. Sathgudi budded on five root stocks for differential behaviour in relation to nutrient utilization in Alfisol.Communications in Soil Science and Plant analysis,43:985-1014.

Patnaik ,M.C; Sreenivasa Raju,A and Bhupal Raj. G.(2006).Direct, residual and cumulative effects of applied zinc in rice- sunflower system.Journal of Oilseed Research, 23(2):230-233.

Patnaik ,M.C; Sreenivasa Raju,A and Bhupal Raj. G.(2008).Effect of soil moisture regimes on Zinc availability in a red sandy loamy soils of Andhra Pradesh.Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science, 56 (4 ):452-453.

Patnaik ,M.C; Sreenivasa Raju,A and Bhupal Raj. G.(2010). Effect of rate and frequency of zinc application on hybrid rice (Oryza sativa)- soybean (Glycine max) cropping system in Andhra Pradesh.Journal of Oilseed Research. 27(2),136-139.

Patnaik ,M.C; Sreenivasa Raju,A and Bhupal Raj. G.(2011).Zinc requirement of hybrid rice-Bhendi and its influence on zinc fractions in an alfisol of Hyderabad- Andhra Pradesh.Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science,59(4),368-375.

Kavita,P.,Jeevanrao,K. and Bhupal Raj. G.(2012).Influence of sewage sludge , urban compost and FYM on yield, available major nutrients.The Andhra Agricultural Journal,.59(1),49- 54.

.KasturiRajamani, Bhupal Raj,G.,Shashi Vemuri and Ramesh Bellamkonda.(2013).Effect of Silicon and nitrogen nutrition on pest and disease intensity in Rice. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technolo,. A ,568-574

Chandrapala A.G., Yakadri. M.,Kumar R. Mahender, Bhupal Raj G.(2010).Productivity and economics of rice (Oryza sativa)–maize (Zea mays) as influenced by methods of crop establishment, Zn and S application in rice. Indian Journal of Agronomy,55(3),171-176.

.Ramulu. C.H.,Bhupal Raj,G.and Shivashanker.( 2012).Identification of Nutrient Deficiencies in Maize based on Conventional Nutrient Concentration.Andhra Agricultural Journal,59 (1),49.

Ramulu. C.H.,and Bhupal Raj,G.( 2012).Nutrient Status and Extent of their deficiencies in Maize crop –A Survey in three districts of Andhra Pradesh.Journal of Research . ANGRAU. 40 (1),16-20.

Ramulu. C.H.,and Bhupal Raj,G.( 2012).Soil Physico-Chemical Properities and Soil Available Nutrients in the major Maize growing tract of Andhra Pradesh.Journal of Research , ANGRAU , 40 (2),77-80.

Ramulu. C.H.,and Bhupal Raj,G.( 2016).Soil Nutrient Availability Correlation with Nutrient Deficiencies in Maize through CNC and DRIS for sustainable management of Soil.Progressive Research,11 (1),553-555.

Narsaiah,E., Ramprakash, M., Chandinipatnaik, Vishnuvardhan Reddy,D. and Bhupal Raj,G.( 2018) Soil physical and physico-chemical properties of soils of Jangon district in Telangana state.Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(6), 2820-2827..

Narsaiah,E., Ramprakash, M., Chandinipatnaik, Vishnuvardhan Reddy,D. and Bhupal Raj,G.( 2018).Soil Physical, Physico-Chemical Properties of Mulugu Division Soils of Warangal District, India.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences , 7(6):,2735-2748.

Narsaiah,E., Ramprakash, M., Chandinipatnaik, Vishnuvardhan Reddy,D. and Bhupal Raj,G.( 2018).Classification and Characterization of Soils of Eturunagaram Division of Warangal District in Telangana State.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences , 7(6), 582-594.

Kasthuri Rajamani, Kumara,B H. Bhupal Raj,G. and Yakadri,M.( 2019)..Influence of silicon fertilization on the incidence of rice insect pests and diseases in Telangana. International Journal of Chemical Studies,7(6), 472-476

Kasthuri Rajamani, Kumara,B H., Sailaja, V. Bhupal Raj,G. and Yakadri,M.( 2019).Influence of silicon and nitrogen fertility rates on rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield and uptake.International Journal of Chemical Studies, 7(6), 468-471.

Bhupal Raj, G., Kasthuri Rajamani and Kumara B H.( 2020).Influence of Silicon on Reduction of Methane Emissions for Sustainable Rice Production. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change ,10(5),44-52

Narsaiah,E. Bhupal Raj,G., Ramprakash, M., Chandinipatnaik and Vishnuvardhan Reddy, D. (2020).Land suitability evaluation for crops in Raghunathpally division of Warangal district in Telangana State.Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry,9(4),874-81

Narsaiah,E. Bhupal Raj,G., Ramprakash, M., Chandinipatnaik and Vishnuvardhan Reddy, D. (2020).Land suitability evaluation for crops in Eturunagaram division of Warangal district in Telangana State International Journal of Chemical Studies(IJCS),8(3),2090-94

Narsaiah,E. Bhupal Raj,G., Ramprakash, M., Chandinipatnaik and Vishnuvardhan Reddy, D. (2020). Land suitability Evaluation for crops in Warangal district of Telangana under Narsampet division.International Journal of Chemical Studies,8(2)

Bhupal Raj, G., Kasthuri Rajamani and Kumara B H.( 2020).Influence of Silicon Fertilization on Nitrogen Fractions and Nutrient Status of Rice Grown Soils in Telangana State.Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 39(7), 26-34.

Research Projects / Patents

Use of distillery effluent for Agril. /Irrigation

1992-94 Project on Use of distillery effluent for Agril. /Irrigation purpose funded by Commissioner of Prohibition and Excise, Govt. of A. P

Effect of seed treatment of Teprosyn formulations on yield and uptake of zinc in Maize by Rallies India Ltd

Effect of seed treatment of Teprosyn formulations on yield and uptake of zinc in Maize by Rallies India Ltd

Nutrient management practices for important oil seed based cropping system–Castor

Nutrient management practices for important oil seed based cropping system –Castor by ICAR-NATP with Rs 21.74 lakhs)

Evaluation of efficiency of Granubor II for ameliorating boron deficiency in important field crops by Rallies India Ltd

Evaluation of efficiency of Granubor II for ameliorating boron deficiency in important field crops by Rallies India Ltd

Evaluation of efficiency of Gromor sulfur pastillers for enhancing the productivity of different crops in sulphur deficient soils of India

Evaluation of efficiency of Gromor sulfur pastillers for enhancing the productivity of different crops in sulphur deficient soils of India by Coromandal fertilizers Ltd

Evaluation of satellite data for mapping zinc deficient soils by National Remote Sensing Agency

Evaluation of satellite data for mapping zinc deficient soils by National Remote Sensing Agency

Mechanism of variation in status of a few nutritionally important micronutrients in some important food crops

Understanding the mechanism of variation in status of a few nutritionally important micronutrients in some important food crops and the mechanism of micronutrient enrichment in plant parts by ICAR - NAIP with outlay Rs.48.07 Lakhs

Awards and Honors / Achievements


Rythu Bandhu Award for best research and extension by Pocharam Srinivas Reddy , Honble Minister for Agrl.,Telangana State


Dr.I.V.Subba Rao Memorial – Rythu Nestham Award- For best research helping the farming community –by Sri Roshaiah,Honble Governor of Tamilnadu.


Dr.P.G.Krishna Memorial Gold Medal for the best published research article in Soil Science, based on original research work done in Andhra Pradesh was awarded by Dr.M.S.Swaminathan


Prestigious A.V. Krishnaiah Memorial Award and Gold Medal was awarded for best research work and contribution in the field of Agricultural Sciences. presented by his Excellency the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Sri. Rameshwar Thakur


International Zinc Association –Fertilizer Association of India (IZA-FAI) Award on promoting the use of zinc in Indian Agriculture for enhancing the crop productivity in India


First ICAR ChowdharyDevilal outstanding All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) Award to AICRP On MN & SN Scheme for outstanding contribution in the field of micro and secondary nutrients


Indian Society of Soil Science BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARD Is presented to paper on Molybdenum in soils of high altitude areas of Andhra Pradesh


Received *Dr.N.E.BORLAUG AWARD* on the occasion of *ICAR* sponsored International Conference on "Current Innovations and Technological Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences" ( CITAAS-2024).for the research contributions in Agriculture




LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD -2024 during 6 th International Conference (HITASA-2024)


GUEST OF HONOUR during 6 th International Conference (HITASA-2024)


Four Decades of Research on Micro and Secondary nutrients and Pollutant elements in soils of Andhra Pradesh (

Bhupal Raj,G. Singh, M.V..Patnaik,M.C. and Khadke,K.M.

ICAR- Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal & ANGRAU, AP

Guidelines for Soil based technologies to optimize land productivity in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh

Bhupal Raj,G. and Prasad Rao,A. (2014)


Micro and Secondary nutrients and Pollutant elements in soils and crops of Andhra Pradesh

VenkatSubbaiah,V.,Bhupal Raj,G. and Patnaik, M.C. (1998)


GPS and GIS based soil fertility status of Mahbbobnagardistrict,AP( ICAR-ANGRAU)

RamanaReddy,D.V.,Sairam, A.,Madhavi ,A. and Surendrababu,P.Edt.by..Bhupal Raj,G. (2013).


Role of soils for satisfying global demands for food, water and bio-energy

H.S. Jatav, Dr. Bhabani Prasad Mondal, G.Bhupal Raj and Dr. Pandit Vaibhav Bhagwan

Taylor and Francis