Assistant Professor and Associate Head
Mechanical Engineering
NITK Surathkal
10 Years
Teaching and Research
Protective coatings for their wear, erosion, oxidation, corrosion at high temperature environment.
Joshi, R., Subba Rao, M. and Kadoli, R. K., Finite Element Magneto static Analysis of Magnetostrictive Actuator with Different Housing Materials, IF-1.2, Defence Science Journal , DOI: 10.14429/dsj.63.4868
Dr. G. Harinath Gowd, K. Divya Theja, P. Rayudu, M. Venugopal Goud, M. Subba Rao, Modeling & Analysis of End Milling Process parameters using Artificial, Neural Networks, Applied Mechanics and Material, July 2014, IF 1.18, doi:10.4028/
K Raghavendra Kasyap, M Subba Rao, Case study on Injection Moulding Windsor 650 Machine Parameters on Wall thickness Variation Defect, International Journal of computational Engineering Research, IF 1.145,
Subba Rao Medabalimi, M R Ramesh and Ravikiran Kadoli., High-temperature wear and frictional behavior of partially oxidized Al with NiCr composite coating, Materials Research Express, Dec 2019, IF: 1.449
Medabalimi Subba Rao, M R Ramesh and Kadoli Ravikiran, Solid Particle Erosion Behavior of Partially Oxidized Al with NiCr Composite Coating at Elevated Temperature, March 2021, IF.1.883, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,
Subba Rao Medabalimi, M R Ramesh and Ravikiran , Developing partially oxidized NiCr coatings using the combined flame spray and plasma spray process for improved wear behaviour at high temperature, Wear, IF. 4.2, April 2021
Subba Rao Medabalimi, M R Ramesh and Ravikiran Kadoli, High-temperature solid particle erosion behavior of partially oxidized NiCrBSiFe/NiCr plasma spray coatings, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, June 2021, I. F:2.58,
Pradeep D G, Venkatesh C V, Nithin H S and Subba Rao Medabalimi, Evaluation of High Temperature Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Thermal Sprayed and Microwave Fused WC12Co and CeO2 Modified WC12Co Composite Coatings, Applied Science and Engineering Progress, March 2022, I. F: 1, DOI: 10.14416/j.asep.2022.03.007
Medabalimi Subba Rao, Ananthu M R, Suresh Gudala and M R Ramesh., Effect of Microwave Hybrid Heating on High-Temperature Adhesive Wear Behavior of High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel-Sprayed WC-CrC-Ni and WC-Co/NiCrFeSiB Coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, December 2022. IF. 1.88DOI: 10.1007/s11665-022-07756-7
Netrananda Behera, Subba Rao Medabalimi, Ramesh M R."Elevated Temperatures Erosion wear behavior of HVOF sprayed WC- CoCr/Mo coatings on Ti6Al4V substrate" Surface and Coatings Technology, July 2023, Vol. 470, pp 1-16, I.F.5.4,