Minor in Entrepreneurship

The Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E&I Minor) educates students to serve as leaders in the innovation economy with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to develop, scale, and deliver breakthrough solutions to real-world problems.

Minor Program in Entrepreneurship gives an addition skill to engineering students, to craft their startup and aim at building it in systematic manner over its five courses and an Internship. The program starts from second year of engineering to the pre – final year. The final year is still available to the students to grow their business and validate themselves, if its worth pursuing it.

The course is specifically designed and vetted out by subject matter experts and taught by pioneers in each field. It focuses more on identifying and getting clarity of the problem first than talking about the solution. It covers areas like Creativity, Design thinking, Jobs to be Done, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Innovation tools and Methods, Lean Startup & Product Design, Fundamentals of Business, Venture Investment, Intellectual Property and all this finally leading to New Venture Formation. The basic expectation is to motivate students to start their own venture while still pursuing engineering and start looking at brighter side of business growth.


After successful completion of the Minor, the student will be able to:

Demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset.

Outline the various resources required to convert the opportunity into a real venture.

Estimate the funding needs to set up and make the venture sustainable over time.

Assess the financial viability of a new venture and recognize the importance of cash flow management.

Develop a business plan to raise finance for a venture.

Formulate a strategy to create demand, deliver the solution and scale the venture with a sustainable cash flow.

In this connection, I request all the concerned to share the following details for the website purpose.


Course No. Course Title
1 Startup Garage – I: Opportunity Mapping & Proof of Concept
2 Startup Garage – II: Value Proposition Canvas & Prototyping
3 Business Model Innovation
4 Startup Internship (Summer)
5 Marketing for Startups
6 Scaling Venture through Incubation (Pitching & Venture Funding)

Course Advisor (s):

Can meet on all working days at NEST Center, Block 3, Ground floor
Name Designation Email Mobile
Dr. N. Suma Kumar Director, NEST dir.nest@sru.edu.in 9985651472
Dr. G. Sateeshraj Coordinator, NEST satheeshraju.g@sru.edu.in 9866574386