Minor in Agriculture

Modern Agriculture has witnessed sea changes due to the ubiquitous technological applications, thus the role of engineers has become vital in addition to the agriculture scientists, whilst improving the sustainable production and productivity.

A Minor in Agriculture for engineering undergraduates will help in understanding the field practices and required technological interventions. For instance, applications of Artificial Intelligence, IoT are the basis in precision farming, whereas Data Science helps in designing various cropping models. Urban Horticulture underpins with the concept of growing chemical residue free foods around us and the inevitability of mechanization in agriculture reiterates the role of engineers.

Expected Outcomes

Course No. Course Title
1 Urban Horticulture
2 Precession Agriculture
3 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
4 High-tech crop production systems
5 Mechanization in Agriculture

Course Advisor

Name Designation Email Mobile
Dr. M.V.S. Sreekanth Reddy Associate Professor, School of Agriculture m.v.s.sreekanthreddy@sru.edu.in 7995920917