Associate Professor(Director:Center for Embedded Systems)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Internet of things, IIOT, 5G Communication, Quantum Computing and Communication, Smart connecting Networks.
Wireless optics communication in underwater and frees pace for different advanced communication techniques, Quantum communication and optics in ground and ground to satellite network.
Ph.D from NIT Bhopal
M.Tech. from RGPV Bhopal
B.Tech. from RGPV Bhopal
Assistant professor at SR University, Warangal, from 2022-08-18 to Till Date.
Associate Professsor at MITS, from 2019-12-06 to 2022-08-17.
Associate Professsor at KL University , from 2018-05-25 to 2019-12-04.
Associate Professsor at OCT Bhopal, from 2016-05-04 to 2018-05-16.
Research Scholar at NIT BHOPAL, from 2012-03-24 to 2016-06-24.
Assistant professor at OIST Bhopal, from 2011-08-01 to 2012-03-29.
Lecturer at OIST Bhopal, from 2005-02-10 to 2009-06-30.
S.Gupta,A.Goyal "New Approach For Performance And Security Enhancement In OCDMA Networks" International Conference on Communication and Networks,Ahemadabad. (SCOPUS Indexed).
S.Gupta, A.Goel, "OCDMA Technique with the switching of code between the users for Enhancing the Security," 4th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, pp. 1197-2000, April 2-4, 2015, India.(SCOPUs Indexed)
S Gupta, A. Goel "Design of Multiservice Code (MS) in Spectral/Temporal/Spatial Domain for OCDMA system" Journal of optical communication. Volume 34, issue 4,2018.
S.Gupta and A.Goel, "Advance Method for Security Enhancement in Optical Code Division Multiple Access System", IETE Journal of Research
Sumit Gupta, M. Sai Krishna, N. Poojithachowdary, B. Pavithrareddy, M. Sandeep "Effective Avoidance of Queuing in Super Market using Li-Fi Technology" International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)', ISSN: 2278- 3075, Volume-8 Issue-IO, August 2019, Page No.:1215-1219.
Sumit Gupta, Sairam Boddapati, Chaganti Sridhar Sai, Borra Nanda Sai "Design of optical logical Multiplexer using SOA'' International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6, March 2019 .
Sumit Gupta, Aditya Goel "New bipolar spectral amplitude code for cardinality enhancement in OCDMA network" Journal of Optics (March 2020), Volume, 49 (1):1- 8, 2020.
Sumit Gupta "Design of non-mapping code in spectral and special domain with variable weight and OFDM system" Optical and Quantum Electronics" (July 2021) doi:10.1007/sl 1082-021-03004- (IF-2.79).
Sumit Kumar Gupta, · Aditya Goel "Design and analysis of three-dimensional m- sequence bipolar OCDMA spectral amplitude code" Optical and Quantum Electronics (2022) 54:186, 1082-022-03529-7. (IF-2.04 ).
Vipul Agarwal, Sumit Gupta, Bukya Balaji & Lokendra Singh “All optical 4 bit digital to analog converter based on carrier reservoir SOA-Mach Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) configuration” Optical and Quantum Electronics, 55, Article number: 724 (2023) ( IF=2.79)
Avishek Chakraborty , Indrasen Singh , Sumit Gupta , Gopi Ram , Durbadal Mandal “Sideband power control in Time-Modulated antenna arrays for bidirectional harmonic beamforming and beam scanning” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,Volume 170, October 2023. (, IF =3.2).
Sumit Gupta, Arpita Baronia, , Thomas Samraj Lawrence, Veeramalai Sankaradass, V. Saravanan & A . Jayanthiladevi “Development of OCDMA system in spectral/temporal/spatial domain for non-mapping/MS/MD codes” journal of optics , 2023 (IF=1.8).
MHRD Scholarship for Ph.D. Program