
Dr. Ravichander Janapati


Professor(Assoc. Dean)

Electronics & Communication Engineering

JNTU, Anantapur

17 Years


BrainCompter Interfacing, Biomedical signal Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Sensor Networks

Brain Computer Interfacing / Biomedical signal processing

Mail: ravichander.j@sru.edu.in

(From Highest)


Doctor of philosophy (Ph. D) in ECE department with the specialization of Localization of Wireless Sensor Networks from JNTU, Anantapur.


Master of Technology (M.Tech) in ECE department with the specialization of Digital Electronics and Communication Systems from JNTU, Anantapur.


Bachelor of Technology(B.Tech) in ECE department from JNTU, Hyderabad(KITS(s)).



Associate professor at SR University, from 2018-07-01 to Till Date.


Senior Assistant Professor at SR Engineering college, from 2012-01-01 to 2018-06-30.


Assistant professor at SR Engineering college, from 2007-11-26 to 2011-12-31.


Assistant Professor at Gates Institute of Technology,Gooty, from 2006-08-26 to 2007-11-18.








Key Publications

Kumar, G. M., Parthasarathy, E., Akarapu, M., & Janapati, R. (2022, May). Attendance system using RFID tag. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2418, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

Janapati, Ravichander, et al. "Web interface applications controllers used by autonomous EEG-BCI technologies." AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2418. No. 1. AIP Publishing, 2022.

Rajkumar, K., Anuradha, P., Ravichander, J., & Vasavi, J. (2022, May). Cell-Edge detection using canny algorithm and mathematical morphology. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2418, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

R. P. Kumar, S. S. Vandana, D. Tejaswi, K. Charan, R. Janapati and U. Desai, "Classification of SSVEP Signals using Neural Networks for BCI Applications," 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP), Hyderabad, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICICCSP53532.2022.9862368.

U. Desai, R. J. Martis, R. Janapati and K. N. V. P. S. Rajesh, "Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Heart Beats Classification Using Recurrence Plots," 2023 3rd International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP), VIJAYAWADA, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/AISP57993.2023.10134939.

S. Akuthota, K. Rajkumar and J. Ravichander, "EEG based Motor Imagery BCI using Four Class Iterative Filtering & Four Class Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern," 2023 International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Communication, Computing and Intelligent Information Systems (ICAECIS), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 429-434, doi: 10.1109/ICAECIS58353.2023.10170693.

M. Konain, R. Janapati, S. M. Ahmed and M. M. Ahmed, "IoT based Solar-Powered Mushroom Farming for Sustainable Agriculture," 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Smart Systems (ICSCSS), Coimbatore, India, 2023, pp. 944-948, doi: 10.1109/ICSCSS57650.2023.10169539.

S. R. Gorre, R. Janapati and C. R. Prasad, "Improved P300-Based BCI using EEG Scalogram Images and Deep Neural Networks," 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), Hubli, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CONIT59222.2023.10205725.

Sreedhar K, Sandip, Ajayan, Ravichander Janapati, AlexNet-NDTL: Classification of MRI brain tumor images using modified AlexNet with deep transfer learning and Lipschitz-based data augmentation.International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology(2023).DOI: 10.1002/ima.22870

Bhattacharya, S., Hussain, M. I., Ajayan, J., Tayal, S., Joseph, L. M. I. L., Kollem, S., Desai, U., Ahmed, S. M., and Janapati, R., Analysis of read speed latency in 6T-SRAM cell using multi-layered graphene nanoribbon and cu based nano-interconnects for high performance memory circuit design, ETRI Journal (2022), 1– 12. https://doi.org/10.4218/etrij.2022-0068

Bhavesh verma, Raju S Bapi, Ravichander Janapati, Rakesh Sengupta; Bottom-up approach for enumeration of images using an on-center off-surround Recurrent Neural Network model. Journal of Vision 2022;22(14):3822. doi: https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.22.14.3822

Ravichander Janapati, B.Girirajan , L.M.I. Leo Joseph, K.Bikshalu “Enhancement of teaching learning process by Blended Teaching” Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 35 , No. 3 , January 2022 , ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707

Ravichander Janapati, Dalal, V., Sengupta, R., Desai, U., Raja Shekar, P. V., & Kollem, S. “Towards a More Theory-Driven BCI Using Source Reconstructed Dynamics of EEG Time-Series”, (2022), vol.12. No.2,,Nano LIFE, 2250005.

RavichanderJanapati,Padalasravanthi Monitoring critical conditions of a patient using Wireless Sensor Network Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 2018 Vol. 07, Issue:13 1943023X

RavichanderJanapati, K. Vasantha Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint, and Face Recognition International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2019 Vol.8, No.4 2277-3878

Ravichander JanapatiShyam kolatiS. Sanjay P. Anuradha IOT based integrated system for patient Monitoringand tracking Journal of Mechanics of Continua and mathematical Sciences 2020 Vol.-15, No.-7 2454 -7190

Ravichander JanaptiAnuradha P Microcontroller base bidirectional Vehiclecounter and automatic gate control system IOP Materials Science andEngineering 2020 Vol.981 1757-899X

J. Ravichander, K.Sindhu Energy efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Network using Fitness function International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020 Vol.29, No.2 2005-4238

N.Govardhan, Ravichander Janapati, Mahender kommabatla “VLSI design and future of digital systems” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020 Vol. 24, Issue 04, 1475-7192

N.Govardhan, Dr.Ravichander Janapati,Mahender kommabatla “classification of power consumption and techniques used to reduce dynamic power” Journal of critical reviews2020 Vol.7Issue.17 2394-5125

RavichanderJanapati, ch.Balaswamy, K.Soundararajan Enhanced Mechanism for localization in WSN using PSO EKF algorithm IEEE Explore 2015 9781479955220

Ravichander Janapati, ch.Balaswamy, K.Soundararajan Enhancement of localized routing using CDPSO in WSN IEEE Explore, 2018. 978-1-5386-2369-5

Ravichander Janapati, ch.Balaswamy, K.Soundararajan Indoor localization of cooperative WSN using PSO assisted AKF wisth optimum references elsiever Procedia Computer Science 2016 Vol.92 1877-0509

RavichanderJanapati, ch.Balaswamy, K.Soundararajan Enhancement of Indoor Localization in WSN using PSO tuned EKF International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA) 2016 Vol.2 ISSN:, 2074-904X

Ravichander Janapati, ch.Balaswamy, K.Soundararajan Localization of cooperative WSN using distributed PSO with optimum references International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 2016, Vol.6.No.6 .ISSN: 2088-8708

Ravichander Janapti, Vishwas Dalal, Rakeshsen guptha “Various signals used for device navigation in BCI production” IOP Materials Science and Engineering 2020 Vol.981 1757-899X

Ravichander Janapti, Vishwas Dalal, Rakeshsen guptha “Review on EEG BCI classication techniquesadvancements”IOP Materials Science andEngineering, 2020. Vol.981 , 1757-899X

RavichanderJanapati, Vishwas Dalal et.al “Progression of EEG-BCI Classification Techniques : A Study”Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2021.ISSN: 2367-3370

Ravichander Janapati, Vishwas Dalal et.al “Signal processing Algorithms based on Evolutionary Optimization Techniques in the BCI: A review” Springer - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series.2020 , ISSN: 2194-5357

RavichanderJanapati, Vishwas Dalal et.al “Advances in Experimental Paradigms for EEG-BCI” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, January 2022 ISSN:2367-3389

Ravichander Janapati, Vishwas Dalal et.al “Advances in modern EEG-BCI signal processing: A review” Materials Today: Proceedings,ISSN 2214-7853

Ravichander Janapati, R., Dalal, V., Sengupta, R., Desai and Hemath Jude. (2022). Classification of Visually Evoked Potential EEG using Hybrid Anchoring-based Particle Swarm Optimized Scaled Conjugate Gradient Multi-Layer Perceptron. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools(2023) .

Research Projects / Patents

Designing Novel Hybrid EEG-BCIbased Interface Navigation System forthe Severely Disabled Persons

Designing Novel Hybrid EEG-BCI based Interface Navigation System for the Severely Disabled Persons” sponsored project cost of 31.18 lakhs granted by DST SERB.

Distribute Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks using Particle Swarm Optimization

“Distribute Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks using Particle Swarm Optimization” project cost 4. 4 Lakhs granted by UGC under Minor Research Project Scheme.

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Perennial fund of 1.75 lakhs “Unnat Bharat Abhiyan” for implementing UBA activities in adopted villages

Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp

Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” under DST-NIMAT Project 2019-20, 2nd March to 4th March 2020

System and method for monitoring health condition of an Industrial worker

With the advancement of technology the workers are undergoing for different industrial activities in the industry. And the Workers works in different Sectors like Mining, Textile,Petroleum, Manufacturing. Etc. Where they are undergoing dangerous condition and face many problems like health(diseases),automation and work pressure. So that they required some health monitoring(pulses and blood pressure) and detecting some dangerous condition like due to flooding ,fire, and the emission of gases. Worker’s in underground min

Localization based routing method in a wireless sensor network

System and method for analyzing stress of psychiatric user

Apparatus of writing board with the protection of biometric based and eye signal

Bio-metric and eye singled based writing board with secured and authentication features is the system of biometric identification of an individual using eye signals in real time. The setup is included within a board computing device with identification of the device placed board based on iris recognition within one or more cameras directed at one or both eyes, and/or other physiological, anatomical and/or behavioural measures. The Verification of user identity by the device can be used to enable or disable the display

An aquaculture monitoring and control system and method

Disclosed is an aquaculture monitoring and control system (100), the system (100) comprising: sensors (102a-102n) installed in water reservoirs (104a-104m), wherein the sensors (102a-102n) are configured to sense signals representing water quality parameters; and a controller (108) configured to receive the sensed signals from each of the sensors (102a-102n). The controller (108) is configured to: determine values of each of the water quality parameters from the received signals; compare each of the determined values o

A system & method for food dispensing assistance

ASSISTANCE ABSTRACT Disclosed is an old age assistance device (102) comprising a user device (104) for providing inputs by a user. The system (100) comprising an old age assistance device (102) for providing assistance to the user based on the received inputs. The device (102) comprising a controller (214) configured to receive the inputs from the user such that the inputs are stored in a database (106); navigate the old age assistance device (102) to a pickup point for picking objects (216a-216r) in a basket (206)

A soil monitoring, reporting and decision making device

The soil testing device (102) comprising: sensors (204a-204n) configured to sense a color of a soil solution; a holding tube (208) configured to hold the soil solution; displays (206a-206n) configured to display a percentage content value of a macronutrient in the soil solution; a controller (216), wherein the controller (216) is configured to: receive a signal representing the sensed color of the soil solution from each sensor (204a-204n) when a capsules (226) is added to the soil solution; compare the sensed colour

An automatic medicine dispensing system and method

AN AUTOMATIC MEDICINE DISPENSING SYSTEM AND METHOD ABSTRACT A method for dispensing medicines comprising steps of: receiving registration data of a user; generating an alert based on the gaming schedules; activating a braintraining game and enabling the user to play the brain-training game for a first predetermined time period; activating actuators of each of the panels (204a-204m) to open the corresponding medicine compartments (202a-202n) based on the medicine schedules after a second predefined time period, wherein

Multi-lingual workstation system

Disclosed is a multi-lingual workstation system (100), multilingual workstation system (100) comprising an input module (112) for receiving inputs (104) from a user (102), wherein the inputs comprise user attributes, a query (104) in a first language, or a combination thereof; a parsing module (114) for parsing the received query; a translating module (116) for translating the query into a second language; a recommendation module (118) for recommending a learning course in the second language or a third language based

Pressure based self-power generating system

The system (100) comprises a base (102); a mat (106) attached on the base (102); piezoelectric sensors (112a-112n) for sensing a pressure on the mat (106), wherein an electric current is produced when the pressure is applied on the mat (106); and a power production device (116) for producing power by using the electric current produced when the pressure is applied on the mat (106), wherein the power production device (116) comprising a power source (118) for storing the produced electric current; and a converter modu


Disclosed is a protective system 100 comprises a fixed hollow tube (102); a solid tube (110); two telescopic tubes (106a-106b); a cover (104) attached with the fixed hollow tube (102), wherein the cover (104) is retractable between the fixed hollow tube (102) and the solid tube (110); and a protective device (108) for controlling an operation of the fixed hollow tube (102), the solid tube (110); the telescopic tubes (106a-106b), and the cover (104). The protective device (108) comprising: a microcontroller (120) for

Awards and Honors / Achievements


Product Design Mentor for Smart India Hackathon-2019


Best paper award-ICCSP QIS College of Engineering, Ongole


Senior Member-IEEE


Efficient Pedagogy for Teaching Learning Process

Ravichander Janapati

Lambert Academic Publishing

Innovative Practices for Effective Education

Ravichander Janapati

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Effective Instructional Pedagogy Process

Ravichander Janapati

Lambert Academic Publishing

Medical Knowledge Paradigms for Enabling the Digital Health Ecosystem-CRC Press

Ravichander Janapati

Taylor &Francis(CRC Press)

Human-Machine Interface Technology Advancements and Applications

Ravichander Janapati

Taylor& Francis(CRC Press)

Particle Swarm Intelligence-Based Localization Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks(Book chapter)

Ravichander Janapati

Taylor&Francis(CRC Press)