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Agriculture Fields
Well Equipped Nursery
Well Equipped Nursery
We believe in the role of education for change. Agriculture is the future for many countries, both developed and developing: it is not only where our food comes from, but also the way in which we take care of our families and environment. We have a goal to make a positive impact on our community.
For your future placement Apply Now
Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy. Graduates of SRU's Agriculture program will have technical knowledge in crop raising, effective use of fertilizers, integrated pest management, seed conditioning and smart technology. The course balances theoretical aspects with practical issues such as agroeconomics, smart food processing technologies, and crop management.
Course Duration: 4 Years.
Apply NowStudents are exposed to commercial farms to engage and tone up their confidence, endurance, and managerial skills.
Well equipped labs with essential field equipment and research facilities for experimentation and independent project work.
Highly experienced faculty from institutes of repute, engaged in consultancy, research and publication to add excellent value to academic life.
Focus on inter-personal based teaching and case studies to develop skills like critical thinking and reflective judgement.
Highly interactive learning environment with opportunities to connect with the leaders of the industry.
A day in the life of an SR University student is one that is bursting with possibilities and excitement.
For the more physical types there's games like cricket, football, volleyball, basketball, throwball, kabaddi, khokho, long distance running, yoga, chess carroms and more.
For the gastronomically inclined, there's a selection of cafeterias and restaurants, of various types with so many activities, the question becomes, how to find time to participate and practice these pastimes consistently…
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Agriculture Officer, Agriculture Junior Engineer, Researcher, Forest Officer, Agriculture Graduate Trainee, Agriculture Field Officer, and more positions are attainable after obtaining a BSc Agriculture degree. Apart from this, you can opt for self-employment options. Candidates who are interested in learning more about agriculture can enroll in a master's degree programme such as MSc Agriculture.
When compared to other Biology courses such as MBBS, Veterinary Medicine, and so on, BSc Agriculture might be considered a simple course. This course is easy because it focuses on real applications rather than theory.
Yes, BSc Agriculture has good career scope. After completing a BSc Agriculture program, you will have little difficulty finding a job. It creates numerous job opportunities in both the public and private sectors.
BSC Agriculture course usually takes four years to complete.
Key Takeaway!
The agricultural sector is one of the most diverse and complex. This industry has been around for centuries and has undergone many changes throughout its history. It is a multi-faceted business that uses varied and complex means to meet the increasing demands for food. The agriculture sector is a key source of revenue and employment. There is an ever-growing demand for food and products, and the industry needs to find new ways to meet the rising needs. The agriculture industry needs people with a broad range of abilities and experiences who can work as agricultural technicians, managers, scientists and more.
In addition to the career opportunities, another benefit of the course is that it helps the students develop a broad range of skills that are often needed by the agriculture industry. With this background, it is no surprise that the agriculture sector is the main career option that graduates of the BSc Agriculture course can choose. To fulfill your professional dreams in the agriculture sector, here is a prestigious university offering in-demand agriculture programs.
B.Sc. (Agriculture)
B.Sc. Agriculture (Agronomy/ Horticulture)
Green Campus
I am fortunate to choose SRU as the course is a hands-on, creative curriculum that prepared me to secure an 8.87 CGPA in my academics. All of the experiences in the Agriculture program provided me for my life time situations to learn from.
I am glad that I have secured 8.70 CGPA. @SRU the course gives the possibility to focus on most aspects of sustainable agriculture. It is very practical and at the same time, the format of the course is optimal.
I feel like @SRU, students are provided with many opportunities to learn about specific areas of agriculture education which made me score 8.79 CGPA. I truly enjoyed my time @SRU with well-rounded teachers who can excel in many different situations.
and more...
On campus Technology Business Incubator (SRiX) is a host to Design thinking studio, Prototyping facility, IoT & ESDM Lab, Conference and Meeting rooms, Cafeteria, and other state-of-the-art amenities, Currently 120 stratups are registered with SRIX.
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